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This manual covers the repairs of AVEO automobile which has been involved in accidents, and it describes the work related to the replacement of damaged body parts.
Please read through these instructions and familiarize yourself with them before actually using this manual.

Note : Refer to AVEO Service Manual for specifications, wire harness locations, safety stand support points, etc.


Warning : Indicates a strong possibility of personal injury or equipment damage if instructions are not followed.

Note : Gives helpful information.

Caution : Detailed descriptions of standard workshop procedures, safety principles and service operations are not included. Please note that this manual does contain warnings and cautions against some specific service methods which could cause PERSONAL INJURY, or could damage a vehicle or make it unsafe. Please understand that these warnings cannot cover all conceivable ways in which service, whether or not recommended by us might be done or of the possible hazardous consequences of each conceivable way, not could we investigate all such ways. Anyone using service procedures or tools, whether or not recommended by us, must satisfy himself thoroughly that neither personal safety or tools, whether or not recommended by us, must satisfy himself thoroughly that neither personal safety or vehicle safety will be jeopardized.

All information contained in this manual is based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. We reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. This includes text, figures and tables.


Notice : The following precautions should be observed when performing sheet metal work, paint work and repair work around the locations of the SRS parts.

  1. SDM(Sensing and Diagnosis Module) are located under the center console ass'y. Avoid strong impact with ass'y hammer or other tools when repairing the front side frame and the lower part of the dashboard. Do not apply heat to these areas with a gas burner, etc.
  2. SRS harness is located under the lower part of the dashboard below the dashboard panel. (SRS harness is covered with a yellow corrugated tube.) Care should be taken not to damage the harness when repairing this area.
  3. Do not apply heat of more than 80°C (176°F) when drying painted surfaces anywhere around the locations of SRS parts.
  4. If strong impact or high temperature needs to be applied to the areas around the locations of SRS parts, remove the part before performing repair work.
  5. If any of the SRS related parts is damaged or deformed, be sure to replace it.

Note : Refer to the Service Manual(Supplemental Restraint System) for removal and replacement of SRS related parts.

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