When receiving a new vehicle, Dealer is to inspect it immediately for damage, obvious missing or incorrect part and / or options. This inspection is to be completed before accepting the receipt of vehicle.
- 1) Inspection of new vehicle
- The inspection of each received for possible damage is very important because new vehicles have usually traveled a long distance from the factory to the Dealer, often passing through several methods of transportation.
- The following should be included in the inspection;
- a. Walk around inspection of the exterior and visible areas of the vehicles undercarriage
- b. Under hood inspection
- c. Trunk or Cargo area inspection, including all parts and/or options normally stored or transported in this area
- d. Interior inspection, including all trim panels, headlines carpets, and upholstery.
- 2) Transportation damage
- GMDAT's (GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co., Ltd.) responsibility for damages and / or shortages extends only to the passage of vehicle through the ship's rail at the port of shipment. Thereafter such responsibility shall be for the carrier and / or insurance company until the delivery documents is signed by the Dealer's representative as having received the vehicles either in good order or with exceptions noted.
- Any transportation damage including stolen or missing part should be noted in detail and reported to the insurance company and the carrier immediately after receipt and inspection of new vehicles.
- 3) Missing or incorrect parts and production shortages
- If any missing or incorrect parts and options are discovered while receiving inspection of new vehicles, claims have to be made to whomever is responsible, either to the carrier / insurance company or to GMDAT.
- In case GMDAT is responsible for any missing or incorrect parts and production shortages i. e. those were omitted in production of the vehicle the Dealer may request compensation for the costs incurred by correction of such discrepancies under warranty.
- Claims for missing parts, noticeable at the time of vehicle inspection, such as audio equipment, antenna, spare tire and wheel, wheel cover, jack assembly, tools and so on, which are to be considered as having been removed during transit, are not reimbursable under warranty provisions of this manual. Such claims rather should be presented to the representative of the carrier to the insurance company.
Material Required: One bottle (0.8 L) of transit coating remover per vehicle
Equipment Required: Bucket, wash mitt, safety glasses, rubber boots and glove, hose.
The removal operation should be performed in a well ventilated and shaded area to prevent rapid evaporation of the remover solution and to reduce the likelihood of water spotting on the completed vehicle. The area must have drainage facilities and be located away from grass and plants biodegradable. The removal steps for transit coating are as follows;
- 1) Pre-rinse the entire surface of the vehicle with water to remove accumulated particle and / or other debris from the coating surface to prevent scratching the surface finish.
- 2) Mix HY-600 water detergent transit coating remover at either 1:2 (which equals 1 bottle of remover to one gallon of water) or 1:4 (which equals 1 bottle of remover to one and half gallon of water).
- 3) Apply the diluted remover solution with a wash mitt agitating as you would normally wash a vehicle. Wash the vehicle one section (roof, hood, deck lid, etc.) at a time keeping the remover wet while in contact with the coating.
- 4) Allow the HY-600 to remain on the vehicle for approximately 1-2 minutes to break down the coating via chemical action.
Note : Do not allow the remover to dry. Continuously agitate the vehicle surface during the removal process (approximately 1-2 minutes) in order to prevent surface drying.
- 5) Thoroughly rinse the entire vehicle with clean tap water to remove the solubilized coating and remover product.
- 6) Using a towel or chamois, wipe the vehicle dry to prevent water spots.
- 7) Inspect the vehicle for areas where the protective transit coating may not have been removed. Spot removal can be achieved by applying a small amount of HY-600 diluted 1 to 1 up 1 to 4 with tap water and wiping the area with a clean dry cloth.
Notice : - 1) The setting time of 1-2 minutes is very important to remove the shipping wax.
- 2) If the remaining wax was found after this procedure, apply the transit coating remover without dilution on these areas.
The protection and maintenance of new vehicles awaiting delivery to customer are the exclusive responsibility of distributor. Regular maintenance is necessary to prevent rust formation or environmental damage. Given belows are the minimum maintenance guideline to be required during storage of new vehicles in extremely hot and humid locations.
- A. Storage Location
- Vehicles should be stored in a clean, dry, closed, roofed and well ventilated area, if possible. When outdoor storage is used, the followings should be considered as minimum requirements.
- 1) The area should be well drained and have a hard or paved surface.
- Recommendation : Installation of CANOPY on the above area in order to protect from the ultra violet rays of the sun and contamination resulted from dust and fallout. (refer to detail figure 1&2 on page 7-8 & 7-9.)
- 2) The following locations should be avoided :
- –Low area where flood waters can damage vehicles.
- –Location adjacent to factories emitting exhaust air which is corrosive or laden with dirt.
- –Location near body shop.
- –Storage under trees, where damage to finishes may result from tree sap and/or bird dropping. - Coastal area to protect body from salt contamination.
- 3) If possible, vehicle should be parked on a level surface.
- B. Storage Preparation
- Certain precautions must be taken when placing a vehicle in storage as following recommendations;
- 1) Body and exterior parts protection.
- Body should be protected from damage such as discoloration of chrome or bright finished trim and painted surfaces. It can be caused by deposits of dirt, grease, oil or other injurious materials. To protect body, following operations are required.
- –Carefully wash the underbody and chassis to remove all injurious materials such as grease, oil, tar or mud deposits that may have accumulated in transit.
- Carefully check the painted surface and touch up all exposed primed or law metal surface to prevent rust formation.
Note : Such touch up are to be considered as the distributor normal pre-delivery responsibility.
- –For the preservation of the exterior, wax is applied to protect the vehicle during transportation against external chemical influences. New preservation should be carried out, if necessary.
- 2)Interior
- If the vehicle is exposed to strong sun light, cover the seat, trim, instruments, etc with a cloth, or cover the window with some kind of sun shade or shield. (In order to prevent color fading, detonation, bubble and peeling off)
- Keep the ventilation system open(In order to prevent some damage of interior parts due to high temperature), open the window a little(2~3cm) especially at the very hot weather condition.
Caution : If the ultrasonic interior space protection system is installed in the vehicle, keep the follows.
- –When opertating ultrasonic interior space protection system by transmitter, you must operate it after closing windows and sunloof(If equipped).If not, ultrasonic interior space protection system may give the alarm by malfunction.
- –When locking the car on condition that windows or sunloof(If equipped) are opened, you must use only the key to lock the car. Anti-theft mode could not be armed by a key locking doors without transmitter.
Keep the all windows open at a week intervals.
Open four windows fully
- 3) Engine
- If vehicles run for short intervals (5 minutes or less) at dealershop or body builders, condensation may form within the engine. To avoid this possibility, it is recommended that the engine should run at approximately 1,200rpm until the engine temperature reaches normal condition on a weekly basis. This will evaporate any condensation that may have been present.
Note : Repeat this operation at least once a week while the vehicle is in storage and shift all steps of transmission during engine running.

- 4)Battery
- It is the distributor's responsibility to ensure that they are protected by the maintenance of a full charge and/or avoidance of storage in a hot weather area.
- Check whether the battery is discharged or not at 15-day intervals and recharge the battery as necessary.
- Check the battery terminals for corrosion(a white or bluish powder) with disconnecting the negative(-) cable and remove it with a solution of baking soda and water if necessary.
- And then coat the terminals with petroleum jelly.
- Keep the battery cable connection and main fuses disconnected.
- 5)Brake
- –Do not apply the parking brake.
- –Leave the service brake also in fully released position.
- 6) Tire
- Inflate the tires as recommended pressures. Keep air pressure in tires a higher than it is recommended during long stock for preventing deformation and change tire location by moving vehicle. Periodically rotate tires to change the ground contact positions of the tires. Check for damage or crack.
- 7) Air Conditioner
- Operate the air conditioner for a few minutes at the engine idle speed the circulation of compressor oil through air conditioner system, thus it prevents the seizure of compressor components.
- 8) MIscellaneous Precautions
- –Make sure that all linkage, lever, pin and cables under the hood and under the vehicles are covered with grease to prevent rust formation.
- –Thoroughly lubricate the chassis, especially rear inside corner of engine hood, wheel bolt, wheel cap, brake caliper and suspension to prevent rust formation.
- –All vehicles should be moved 10 meters or more at every 21 days to provide a lube coating to the vital working parts and prevent corrosion.
- –Because effectiveness of protective wax is limited to 6 months, when storaging more than 3 months, remove shipping wax coating and then respray protective wax. (paraffine wax)
- –In heavy snow season, move the vehicle to the safety area. Do not store the vehicles in the CANOPY.
The canopy may collapse due to heavy snow, resulting in the vehicle damage.