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Shift Shaft and Fork Assemblies Disassemble

1st-2nd Gear Shift Shaft Disassemble

  1. Remove the gear unit. Refer to Transmission Disassemble .
  2. Remove the 1st-2nd gear shift shaft assembly from the gear unit.
  3. Fix the shift shaft assembly into a vice with a protector.
  4. Note: Mark the place and direction of the selector fork and yoke before removing them. This will aid the reassembly

  5. Remove the 1st-2nd gear shift yoke pin (1) using a pin punch and a hammer.
  6. Remove the 1st-2nd gear shift yoke (2).
  7. Remove the 1st-2nd gear selector fork pin (3) using a pin punch and a hammer.
  8. Remove the 1st-2nd gear selector fork (4).

3rd-4th Gear Shift Shaft Disassemble

  1. Remove the gear unit. Refer to Transmission Disassemble .
  2. Remove the 3rd-4th gear shift shaft assembly from the gear unit.
  3. Fix the 3rd-4th gear shift shaft assembly into a vice with a protector.
  4. Remove the 3rd-4th gear selector fork pin (1) using a pin punch and a hammer.
  5. Remove the 3rd-4th gear selector fork (2).
  6. Remove the 3rd-4th gear shift yoke pin (3) using a pin punch and a hammer.
  7. Remove the 3rd-4th gear shift yoke (4).

5th Reverse Gear Shift Shaft Disassemble

  1. Remove the gear unit. Refer to Transmission Disassemble .
  2. Remove the 5th-reverse gear shift shaft assembly from the gear unit.
  3. Remove the shift shaft not installed with yoke by pushing (1).
  4. Remove the 5th-reverse gear ball (3) and the reverse shift guide ball and spring (2) from the reverse shift arm.
  5. Fix the shift shaft assembly into a vice with a protector.

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  7. Remove the reverse gear shift arm pin (1) using a pin punch and hammer.
  8. Remove the reverse gear shift arm (2).
  9. Remove the 5th gear shift yoke pin (3) using a pin punch and a hammer.
  10. Remove the 5th gear shift yoke (4).

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