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Brake Pulsation





DEFINITION: Fluctuation or pulsation is felt through the brake pedal, steering wheel, seat, floor, and/or in the vehicle ONLY when braking.


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Go to Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes


  1. Inspect the disc brake system for the following conditions:
  2. • Excessive thickness variation of rotor friction surfaces
    • Excessive assembled lateral runout (LRO) of rotor friction surfaces
    • Hard spots, heat checks, blueing discolouration of rotor friction surfaces; possibly due to brake drag
    • Excessive corrosion of rotor friction surfaces; including red, gray or black oxidation
    • Loose, damaged or missing caliper or lining hardware
    • Bent of damaged calliper or mounting component
    • Excessive LRO of wheel hub/axle flange; due to damage and/or loose or excessively worn bearings
  3. Adjust, repair or replace components as necessary. Refer to Disc Brake System Diagnosis .

Did you find and correct a condition?

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Go to Step 3


  1. Inspect the drum brake system for the following conditions:
  2. • Out of round or damaged drum
    • Excessive radial runout of drum friction surface
    • Hard spots, heat checks, blueing discolouration of drum friction surface; possibly due to brake drag
    • Bent of damaged drum
    • Excessive radial runout of wheel hub/axle flange; due to damage and/or loose or excessively worn bearings
  3. Adjust, repair or replace components as necessary. Refer to Drum Brake System Diagnosis .

Did you find and correct a condition?

Go to Step 4

Go to Symptoms - Hydraulic Brakes


  1. Install or connect components that were removed or disconnected during diagnosis.
  2. Road test the vehicle in order to confirm proper operation. Refer to Brake System Vehicle Road Test .

Is the condition still present?

Go to Step 2

System OK


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