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Caution : Disconnect the negative battery cable before removing or installing any electrical unit or when atool or equipment could easily come in contact with exposed electrical terminals. Disconnecting this cablewill help prevent personal injury and damage to the vehicle. The ignition must also be in LOCK unlessotherwise noted.


General Specifications

Value (s)
Front Brake Rotors
296 mm
29 mm
Discard Thickness
Lateral Runout (Installed)
0.04 mm
Rear Brake Rotors
303 mm
20 mm
Discard Thickness
Lateral Runout (Installed)
0.04 mm
Master Cylinder
Bore Diameter
25.4 mm
35 (17/18) mm
Brake Caliper Diameter
45 mm + 45 mm (Dual)
40 mm (Single)
Brake Booster
9 inch + 9 inch (Dual)
1 st : 7.5 : 1, 2 nd : 11 :1 (Dual Ratio)
Front Brake Pad
10.5 mm
Discard Thickness
2 mm
Rear Brake Pad
9 mm
Discard Thickness
2 mm
Parking Brake Shoe
4 mm

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Bleeder Valve
Brake Lines Fittings
Brake Pedal Arm - to - Bracket Nut
Front Brake Hose-to-Caliper Bolt
Rear Brake Hose-to-Caliper Bolt


Brake Lamp Warning Circuit

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Brake System Testing

Brakes should be tested on a dry, clean, reasonably smooth and level roadway. A true test of brake performance cannot be made if the roadway is wet, greasy, or covered with loose dirt which can cause tires not to grip the road unequally. Testing also will be inaccurate on a crowned roadway because the wheels tend to bounce.
Test the brakes at different vehicle speeds with both light- and heavy-pedal pressure; however, avoid locking the brakes and sliding the tires. Locked brakes and sliding tires do not indicate brake efficiency since heavily braked but turning wheels will stop the vehicle in less distance than locked brakes. More tire-to-road friction is present with a heavily braked, turning tire than with a sliding tire.
Because of the high deceleration capability, a firmer pedal may be felt at higher deceleration levels.
There are three major external conditions that affect brake performance:
To check for brake fluid leaks, hold constant foot pressure on the pedal with the engine running at idle and the shift lever in NEUTRAL. If the pedal gradually falls away with the constant pressure, the hydraulic system may be leaking. Perform a visual check to confirm any suspected leaks.
Check the master cylinder fluid level. While a slight drop in the reservoir level results from normal lining wear, an abnormally low level indicates a leak in the system. The hydraulic system may be leaking either internally or externally. Refer to the procedure below to check the master cylinder. The system may appear to pass this test while still having a slight leak. If the fluid level is normal, check the vacuum booster pushrod length. If an incorrect pushrod length is found, adjust or replace the rod.
Check the master cylinder using the following procedure:
Improper brake fluid, or mineral oil or water in the fluid, may cause the brake fluid to boil or cause deterioration of the rubber components. If the primary piston cups in the master cylinder are swollen, the rubber parts have deteriorated.
If deterioration of the rubber is evident, disassemble all the hydraulic parts and wash the parts with alcohol. Dry these parts with compressed air before reassembly to keep the alcohol out of the system. Replace all the rubber parts in the system, including the hoses. When working on the brake mechanisms, check for fluid on the linings. If excessive fluid is found, replace the linings.
If the master cylinder piston seals are in satisfactory condition, check for leaks or excessive heat conditions. If these conditions are not found, drain the fluid, flush the master cylinder with brake fluid, refill the master cylinder, and bleed the system.

Brake Hose Inspection

The hydraulic brake hoses should be inspected at least twice a year. The brake hose assembly should be checked for road hazard damage, cracks, chafing of the outer cover, and for leaks or blisters. Inspect the hoses for proper routing and mounting. A brake hose that rubs on a suspension component will wear and eventually fail. A light and a mirror may be needed for an adequate inspection. If any of the above conditions are observed on the brake hose, adjust or replace the hose as necessary.

Brake Lamp Warning Circuit

Diagnostic Aids

The BRAKE lamp glows brightly when the ignition is ON and either the parking brake lever switch or the brake fluid level switch is closed. If neither switch is closed, the BRAKE lamp receives a ground through the generator, and it glows dimly when the ignition is ON and the engine is off. When the engine starts, the generator creates voltage. With voltage on both sides of the lamp, the lamp turns off.

Test Description

The numbers below refer to steps in the diagnostic table.
  1. This step begins the test sequence for a BRAKE warning lamp that stays on when the engine is running.
  2. This step begins the test sequence for a BRAKE warning lamp that never turns on.

Brake Lamp Warning Circuit

Start the engine and leave it running.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp stay on?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 10
With the engine running, release the parking brake.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp off?
System OK
Go to Step 3
Check the brake fluid level.
Is the fluid level OK?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 4
  1. Fill the brake fluid reservoir with clean DOT-4 hydraulic fluid.
  2. Replace the cap on the fluid reservoir.
  3. Start the engine and leave it running.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp on?
Go to Step 5
System OK
Disconnect the wiring harness connector from thebrake fluid level switch at the master cylinderreservoir.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp on?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
Replace the brake fluid level switch.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Connect the brake fluid level switch.
  2. Disconnect the parking brake lever switch.
  3. Start the engine and leave it running.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp on?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 8
Replace the parking brake lever switch.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Repair the short circuit in the instrument wiring harness between terminal 14 of the instrument clusterand ground.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Disconnect the electrical connector from the fluidlevel switch at the master cylinder reservoir.
  2. Connect a jumper wire between ground andterminal 1 of the fluid level switch harnessconnector.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 13
  1. Disconnect the electrical connector from the fluidlevel switch at the master cylinder reservoir.
  2. Connect a jumper wire between terminal 1 and 2of the fluid level switch harness connector.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
Go to Step 12
Go to Step 13
Replace the brake fluid level switch on the mastercylinder reservoir. The switch can be removed andreplaced without draining the brake fluid from thereservoir.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Turn the ignition ON.
  2. Apply the parking brake.
Does the BRAKE warning lamp turn on?
Go to Step 27
Go to Step 14
Check fuse F28 and F13.
Is fuse F12 blown?
Go to Step 15
Go to Step 16
  1. Check for a short circuit and repair it, ifnecessary.
  2. Replace fuse F28 and F13.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Turn the ignition ON.
  2. Check the voltage at F28 and F13.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value?
11-14 v
Go to Step 18
Go to Step 17
Repair the power supply to fuse F28 and F13.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Disconnect terminal 1 and 2 of the instrument cluster.
  2. Turn the ignition ON.
  3. Use a voltmeter to check the voltage at terminal 1 and 2.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value?
11-14 v
Go to Step 20
Go to Step 19
Repair the open circuit between terminal 1 and 2 of theinstrument cluster and fuse F28 and F13.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Reconnect terminal 1 and 2 of the instrument cluster.
  2. Turn the ignition ON.
  3. Use a voltmeter to backprobe terminal 14 of theinstrument cluster.
Is the voltage equal to the specified value?
11-14 v
Go to Step 24
Go to Step 21
  1. Remove the BRAKE warning lamp from itssocket.
  2. Test the BRAKE warning lamp.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp OK?
Go to Step 22
Go to Step 23
Replace the instrument cluster.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Replace the BRAKE warning lamp.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Disconnect the parking brake switch connector.
  2. Connect a jumper wire between the switchconnector and ground.
  3. Turn the ignition ON.
Is the BRAKE warning lamp on?
Go to Step 25
Go to Step 26
Replace the BRAKE warning lamp switch.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Repair the open circuit between the BRAKE warninglamp switch and terminal 14 of the instrumentcluster.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
  1. Disconnect the brake fluid level switch at themaster cylinder reservoir.
  2. Use an ohmmeter to check the resistancebetween terminal 2 of the switch connector andground.
Is the resistance equal to the specified value?
≈ 0 Ω
Go to Step 28
Go to Step 29
Repair the open circuit between ground and thebrake fluid level switch.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Repair the open circuit between terminal 1 of thebrake fluid level switch and terminal 14 of the instrumentcluster.
Is the repair complete?
System OK



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Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual)

    Important : Manual bleeding of the hydraulic modulatoris not possible. If air enters the antilock brake hydraulicmodulator, or if an unfilled modulator is installed, use thescan tool to bleed air out of the brake system. Replacementmodulators are shipped already filled and bled. Innormal on-vehicle service procedures involving themodulator, such as the procedure to replace the electronicbrake control module, air will not enter the modulator.In such cases, use the bleeding procedure in thissection.

  1. Remove the booster reserve by applying the brakesseveral times with the engine off, until all the reserveis depleted.
  2. Important : If no air is suspected to be in the master cylinder,begin the bleeding procedure at Step 11. If it is suspectedthat air is in the master cylinder bore, then themaster cylinder must be bled, beginning with Step 2.

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    Notice : Keep brake fluid away from painted surfacesbecause brake fluid will damage the paint finish.

  3. Fill the master cylinder reservoir with brake fluid.Keep the master cylinder reservoir at least one-halffull during the bleeding operation.

  4. C7A14A03
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  5. Disconnect the brake line from the mastercylinder.
  6. Allow the brake fluid to fill the master cylinder until itbegins to flow from the port.
  7. Reconnect the brake line from the mastercylinder.

  8. C7A14A01
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  9. Slowly push and hold the brake pedal.

  10. C7A14A03
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  11. While the brake pedal is pushed down, loosen thebrake fitting at the top of the master cylinder topurge the air from the cylinder.
  12. Slightly tighten the brake fitting. Then release thebrake pedal slowly. Wait 15 seconds before continuingwith the next step.
  13. Repeat Steps 6-8 until all of the air is removed fromthe master cylinder bore.
  14. Tighten the brake line fitting.
  15. Tighten
    Tighten the brake line fitting to 16 N•m (12 lb-ft).

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  16. Attach a transparent tube over the rear bleedervalve at the right rear caliper. Allow the tube to hangsubmerged in the brake fluid in a transparent container.(After the right rear caliper is bled in the followingsteps, use this procedure at the left front, theleft rear, and the right front bleeder valves.)

  17. C7A14A05
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  18. Slowly push and hold the brake pedal. Avoid rapidpumping of the brake pedal.
  19. While the brake pedal is pushed down, loosen thebleeder valve to purge the air from the caliper.
  20. After the air bubbles have escaped into the containerof brake fluid, slightly tighten the rear bleedervalve.
  21. Slowly release the brake pedal. Wait 15 seconds beforeproceeding with the next step.
  22. Notice : Keep brake fluid away from painted surfacesbecause brake fluid will damage the paint finish.

  23. Repeat Steps 12-15 until all of the air is removed.You will know all of the air is removed when nobubbles appear in the container when the bleedervalve is loosened. Keep the master cylinder reservoirat least one-half full during the bleeding operation.
  24. Tighten the bleeder valve.
  25. Tighten
    Tighten the bleeder valve to 6 N•m (53 lb-in)

  26. Bleed the remaining calipers in the following order:left front, left rear, and right front. Use the procedurein Steps 11-16.
  27. After all calipers have been bled, check the brakepedal for sponginess. If the brake pedal is not firm,repeat the entire bleeding procedure to correct thiscondition.

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Rear Brake Hose

Removal Procedure

  1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle.
  2. Disconnect the brake pipe line from the brake hose.
  3. Remove the brake hose retainer and remove the brake hose from the bracket.

  4. C7A14A07
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  5. Remove the brake from the rear upper control arm.

  6. C7A14A08
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  7. Remove the rear brake hose from the caliper.

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Installation Procedure

  1. Install the rear brake hose to the caliper.
  2. Tighten
    Tighten the rear brake hose-to-caliper bolt to32 N•m (24 lb-ft).

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  3. Install the rear brake hose to the rear upper control arm.

  4. C7A14A06
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  5. Connect the rear brake pipe line to the brake hose and install the hose retainer.
  6. Tighten
    Tighten the brake pipe line to fittings 16 N•m (12 lb-ft).

  7. Lower the vehicle.
  8. Bleed the brake system. Refer to "Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual)" in this section.
  9. Check the brake system for leaks.

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Front Brake Hose

Removal Procedure

  1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle.
  2. Disconnect the brake line from the brake hose supportbracket on the wheel housing on each side of thevehicle.
  3. Remove the retainer.
  4. Remove the brake hose from the wheel housingbracket.

  5. C7A14A10
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  6. Remove the brake hose from the clip.

  7. C7A14A11
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  8. Remove the brake hose from the brake caliper.
  9. Remove the brake hose from the retainers and retaining bracket from the strut.

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Installation Procedure

  1. Install the new brake hose to the caliper with thenew seal rings and the bolt.
  2. Tighten
    Tighten the front brake hose-to-caliper bolt to40 N•m (30 lb-ft).

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  3. Install the brake hose and clip to the retaining bracket. Connect the brake hose to brake pipe line.
  4. Tighten
    Tighten the brake line fittings to 16 N•m (12 lb-ft).

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  5. Install the brake hose to the clips.
  6. Lower the vehicle.
  7. Bleed the brake system. Refer to "Hydraulic Brake System Bleeding (Manual)" in this section.
  8. Check the brake system for leaks.

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Stoplamp Switch

Removal Procedure

  1. Turn the stoplamp switch connector assemblyand remove it from the brake pedal bracket.
  2. Separate the stoplamp switch from the connector.

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Installation Procedure

  1. Place the stoplamp switch into the connector.
  2. Twist the stoplamp switch connector assembly intothe brake pedal bracket hole.

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Brake Pedal

Removal Procedure

  1. Remove the trim panel from the instrumentpanel.
  2. Remove the trim panel. Refer to Section9E, Instrumentation/Driver Information.
  3. Remove the stoplamp switch. Refer to "StoplampSwitch"in this section.

  4. C7A14A13
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  5. Disconnect the retaining clip from the pushrod of brake booster.
  6. Remove the nut and the from the top of brake pedal arm.
  7. Remove the brake pedal.

  8. C7A14A14
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  9. Remove the brake pedal cover from the brake pedal.

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Installation Procedure

  1. Install a new pedal cover, if needed.

  2. C7A14A13
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  3. Coat the pedal arm with grease.
  4. Install the nut to the top of brake pedal arm.
  5. Tighten
    Tighten the brake pedal arm-to-the bracket nut to18 N•m (13 lb-ft).

  6. Install the retaining clip to the brake pedal arm.
  7. Install the stoplamp switch. Refer to "Stoplamp Switch" in this section.

  8. C7A14A12
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  9. Connect the stoplamp switch with the connector.
  10. Install the trim panel. Refer to Section9E, Instrumentation/Driver Information.


Hydraulic Fluid

Brake fluid should meet DOT-4 specification. Use only clear fluid from a sealed container.
Fluid that is exposed to the air will absorb moisture. Water in the brake fluid will cause the fluid to boil and the rubber components to deteriorate. for leaks. Fix any leaks. Then refill the reservoir to the MAX indicator mark.
Thoroughly clean the master cylinder reservoir cap before removing it. Do not let any dirt or foreign material fall into the fluid reservoir.
There is a fluid level switch in the master cylinder reservoir. When the fluid level is low, the BRAKE lamp in the instrument cluster will turn on.
The correct brake fluid level is marked on the left side of the master cylinder reservoir. If the fluid level is below the MIN indicator mark, check the hydraulic brake system for leaks. Fix any leaks. Then refill the reservoir to the MAX indicator mark.

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