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Rear Brake Drum Refinishing

Special Tools

CH 41013 Resurfacing Kit

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .

Note: Do NOT refinish the brake drums in order to correct any of the following complaints:

   • Brake noise (growl/squeal)
   • Premature brake lining wear
   • Cosmetic or superficial corrosion of the drum braking surface
   • Drum discolouration
Refinish the brake drums ONLY when one or more of the following conditions exist:
   • Severe scoring of the drum braking surface (groove depth in excess of 1 mm (0.039 in))
   • Brake pulsation caused by the following:
      -- Brake drum out of round
      -- Corrosion or pitting that is deeper than the drum braking surface

  1. Use a micrometre in order to measure the largest diameter of the brake drum. If the largest diameter of the brake drum exceeds the brake drum maximum refinish diameter, do NOT refinish the brake drum. Replace the brake drum.
  2. Use the CH 41013 resurfacer in order to thoroughly clean the rust from the brake drum flange.
  3. Refinish the brake drum. Refer to the brake lathe manufacturer's operating instructions.
  4. Note: Failure to obtain the best possible braking surface finish may cause the vehicle to stop with difficulty.

  5. After machining the brake drum, use 120 grit aluminium oxide sandpaper in order to create a non-directional braking surface.
  6. Caution: Improperly tightened wheel bolts or nuts can lead to brake pulsation and rotor damage. In order to avoid expensive brake repairs, evenly tighten the wheel bolts or nuts to the proper torque specification.

  7. Clean the braking surfaces with methylated spirit or with a suitable brake cleaner.

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