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Oil Pump Housing Installation

Special Tools

    • EN-470-B Angular Torque Wrench
    • EN-662-C Holding Spanner
    • EN-46775 Centring Tool Oil Pump Housing
    • EN-50515 Fixing Tool Camshaft
    • EN-50516 Fixing Tool Crankshaft
    • EN-50519 Fixing Tool Balance Shaft Driven Gear

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .

  1. Ensure that the EN-50515 fixing tool  (1) is already installed at the exhaust side and engages in the exhaust camshaft.

  2. 2191897
  3. Ensure that the EN-50516 fixing tool  (1) is already installed and engage at the flywheel (2) and at the cylinder block.
  4. Note: All sealing and gasket mating surfaces are to be free of oil and foreign material.

  5. Clean the sealing surfaces at engine and oil pump housing.

  6. 2549973
  7. Install the NEW oil pump housing gasket (3).
  8. Note: Assemble the oil pump housing no later than 3 minutes from the application of the sealers.

  9. Apply a silicone sealing compound (1) to the oil pump housing (2) with a sealing bed width of 3 mm (0.1181 in) and a bed height of 2 mm (0.0787 in).

  10. 2191923
  11. Install the oil pump housing (2) with the EN-46775 centring tool  (1).
  12. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution in the Preface section.

  13. Tighten the 17 oil pump housing bolts in sequence as shown:
  14. 7.1. In first step and in sequence as shown, tighten to 4 N·m (35 lb in).
    7.2. In second step and in sequence as shown, tighten to 10 N·m (89 lb in).
  15. Remove the EN-46775 centring tool .

  16. 2372550

    Note: Slide the oil pump seal over the flange sealing surface (arrow).

  17. Install the oil pump seal (2) to the flange (1).

  18. 2372551
  19. Position the flange (2) with the oil pump seal (3) to the crankshaft.
  20. Tighten carefully the flange bolt (1) to limit stop.
  21. Remove the flange bolt (1).
  22. Remove the flange (2).

  23. 2373026
  24. Position the EN-46775 centring tool (2) with the plane surface onto the oil pump housing.
  25. Tighten carefully the flange bolt (1) until the EN-46775 centring tool  (2) flush with oil pump housing (arrow).
  26. Remove flange bolt EN-46775 centring toolEN-46775 centring tool  (2).

  27. 2547305
  28. Install the EN-50519 fixing tool  (2) to balance shaft driven gear (1).

  29. 2190971

    Note: Mind the left-hand thread.

  30. Install the flange (2).
  31. Loosely install a NEW crankshaft sprocket bolt (1).

  32. 2190969
  33. Install the EN-662-C wrench (2).
  34. Install the 2 bolts.
  35. Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution in the Preface section.

  36. Tighten the NEW crankshaft sprocket bolt (1) to 50 N·m (37 lb ft).
  37. Tighten the crankshaft sprocket bolt to additional 90°, use the EN-470-B torque wrench .

  38. 2549969
  39. Remove the EN-50515 fixing tool  (1).

  40. 2191897
  41. Remove the EN-50516 fixing tool  (1).
  42. Inspect the camshaft timing chain. Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain Inspection .

  43. 2547253
  44. Clean the threads from cylinder head core hole plug and camshaft housing.
  45. Install the cylinder head core hole plug exhaust side (2) to the camshaft housing (1) and tighten to 25 N·m (18 lb ft).

  46. 2547226
  47. Install the positive crankcase ventilation cover gasket (2).
  48. Install the positive crankcase ventilation cover (1).
  49. Install the 4 positive crankcase ventilation cover bolts (3) and tighten in a cross sequence to 10 N·m (89 lb in).

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