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Object Detection Description and Operation - C140/Long Body UFR or UD7

UFR - Front and Rear Parking Assist


UD7 - Rear Parking Assist only

The ultrasonic parking assist system is designed to identify and notify the driver of an object in the vehicle's path when moving forward (UFR system only) or reversing at speeds of less than 25 km/h (15 MPH). The distance and location of the object is determined by seven object sensors: three located in the rear bumper and four located in the front bumper. The parking assist system will notify the driver using an audible beep from a dedicated object alarm module. The audible signal will vary depending on how far the object is from the vehicle.

The parking assist system is made up of the following components:

    • Parking assist control module
    • Object alarm module (buzzer)
    • Front object alarm sensors (UFR only)
    • Rear object alarm sensors
    • Parking assist switch (UFR only)
    • Parking assist switch indicator (UFR only)
    • Park assist instrument panel cluster indicator lamp

Parking Assist Control Module

The parking assist control module provides an 8 volt signal to each sensor along with a ground. The module receives individual feedback from each of the sensors to determine the location and distance of an object based upon these inputs. When an object is detected, the module will command the object alarm module to provide an audible alert.

Object Alarm Sensors

The vehicle has 3 object sensors located in the rear bumper of the vehicle. If the vehicle has RPO UFR it also has an additional 4 object sensors located in the front fascia of the vehicle. The sensors are used to determine the distance between an object and the bumpers. Each sensor emits an ultrasonic frequency which is reflected off an object and the vehicle. These reflections are received by the sensors. The time difference between when the frequency was emitted and when the reflection is received, known as sensor echo time, is used to determine the distance to the object. The sensors report this information to the parking assist control module.

Object Alarm Module

The object alarm module provides the audible signal heard by the driver. The module is hardwired to the parking assist control module. It is located behind drivers side knee bolster. The object alarm module creates two different tones depending on where the object is being detected. For objects detected in the front (UFR only) the audible noise will be a "beep" tone. When objects are detected in the rear of the vehicle the audible noise will be a "chime" tone.

Parking Assist Switch

The parking assist switch is only available on vehicles with UFR. The parking assist system can be deactivated and activated by pressing the parking assist switch.

Parking Assist Switch Indicator

The parking assist switch indicator is only available on vehicles with UFR. The indicator in the parking assist switch shows the status of the parking assist. If the lamp is ON, the parking assist is activated. The indicator should come on and be active when the ignition is initially turned on.

Park Assist Instrument Panel Cluster Indicator lamp

The park assist indicator lamp in the instrument panel cluster indicates the state of health and or status of the park assist system. Under normal circumstances the indicator lamp will come on for 4 seconds during cluster bulb check and then go out. The indicator lamp will remain illuminated if the park assist system detects a malfunction.

Parking Assist Operation

When the vehicle is running and first placed into reverse, an audible chime will sound to indicate the system is working. If the vehicle is equipped with front sensors (RPO UFR) then the parking assist switch indicator will be illuminated indicating parking assist is available.

The parking assist system can detect objects greater than 7.6 cm (3 in) wide and 25.4 cm (10 in) tall. The system cannot detect objects below the bumper or underneath the vehicle. If an object is detected within 1.5 m (5 ft) away from the rear bumper or 1.2 m (4 ft) from the front fascia (on UFR vehicles only), there will be an audible chime (for rear objects) or an audible beep (for front objects) from the object alarm module. As the vehicle gets closer to an object, the time between the chimes/beeps becomes shorter.

The detection area is divided into 3 warning zones based upon the distance from the vehicle. Each zone has a different frequency based upon the distance the object is from the vehicle.

    • Zone 3 (rear sensors) -- 81-150 cm Middle Sensor only -- (ON 40 ms OFF 520 ms)
    • Zone 3 (front sensors) -- 81-120 cm Middle Sensors only -- (ON 40 ms OFF 520 ms)
    • Zone 2 (front or rear sensors) -- 41-80 cm for middle sensors and 41-60 cm for corner sensors -- (ON 40 ms OFF 320 ms)
    • Zone 1 (front or rear sensors) -- 0-40 cm -- (Continuous tone)


If the parking assist system detects a malfunction. the park assist indicator lamp will be illuminated in the cluster. Upon illumination and or key up when the self diagnostic system check is performed, the system will automatically provide an alarm sound corresponding to the actual sensor in trouble.

The rear alarm errors provide a CHIME sound and front alarm errors provide a BEEP sound.

Left Corner Sensor Error Alarm (UD7 and UFR system) one 40 ms chime in 1 second

Left Middle Sensor Error Alarm (Middle sensor on UD7 system only) - two 40 ms chimes in 1 second

Right Middle Sensor Error Alarm (Right corner sensor on UD7 system only) three 40 ms chimes in 1 second

Right corner Sensor Error Alarm (UFR system only) four 40 ms chimes in 1 second

If there are problems in several sensors, the diagnostic buzzer will sound in the following order. This will be repeated twice.

FLC (Front left Corner)->FLM (Front Left Middle)->FRM (Front Right Middle)->FRC (Front Right Corner)->RLC (Rear left Corner)->RM (Rear Middle)->RRC (Rear Right Corner)


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