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Engine Flywheel Removal - LE5 or LE9

Special Tools

    • EN-38122-A Crankshaft Balancer Holder
    • EN-43653 Flywheel Locking Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools : LE5 or LE9 .


    Note: It may be necessary to remove the chamfer (bevel) from the edge of an 18 mm socket in order to get full socket engagement on the thin-headed flywheel bolts.

    Do not orientate the flywheel to the crankshaft. It is balanced separately from the engine.

    Note: EN-43653 flywheel locking tool may be used instead of EN-38122-A crankshaft balancer holder to prevent crankshaft rotation.

  1. Remove the flywheel attaching bolt. Use the EN-38122-A holder (1) to prevent crankshaft rotation.

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  3. Remove the flywheel retainer.
  4. Remove the flywheel (1).
  5. Clean the thread adhesive from the flywheel bolt holes. Use a nylon bristle brush to clean the holes in the crankshaft.

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