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Positive Crankcase Ventilation Hose/Pipe/Tube Replacement - 1.6L LDE, LXV, 1.8L 2H0, and LUW

Removal Procedure

  1. Open the hood.

  2. 2027614
  3. Unclip the ECM wiring harness guide (3) from the cylinder head cover.
  4. Disconnect the 2 positive crankcase ventilation tube connectors (1).
  5. Remove the positive crankcase ventilation tube (2).

Installation Procedure

  1. Install the positive crankcase ventilation tube (2).
  2. Connect the 2 positive crankcase ventilation tube connectors (1).
  3. Clip in the ECM wiring harness guide (3) to the cylinder head cover.
  4. Close the hood.

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