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Camshaft Seal Replacement

Special Tools

    • EN-422 Seal Installer
    • EN-956-1 Extension
    • EN-6347 Holding Tool
    • EN-45000 Seal Remover

For equivalent tools, Refer to Special Tools .

Removal Procedure

  1. Open the hood.
  2. Remove the timing belt. Refer to Timing Belt Replacement .

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  4. Install the EN-6347 holding tool  (1) and the EN-956-1 extension  (2) in the exhaust camshaft sprocket to counterhold.
  5. Note: A second technician is required.

  6. Loosen the locking bolts (3) from EN-6347 holding tool .
  7. Note: The grooves of EN-6347 holding tool must locate in the camshaft sprocket. Check for correct seating.

  8. Tighten the 2 locking bolts (3).
  9. Loosen the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt (4) while holding the exhaust camshaft sprocket EN-6347 holding tool.
  10. Remove the EN-6347 holding tool and the EN-956-1 extension from the exhaust camshaft sprocket.
  11. Remove the exhaust camshaft sprocket bolt (4).
  12. Remove the exhaust camshaft sprocket.
  13. Repeat the same procedure at the intake camshaft sprocket for removal.

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    Note: Be careful not to damage the sealing surfaces.

  15. Remove the 2 camshaft oil seals (2) use the EN-45000 remover  (1).

Installation Procedure



       • Coat the camshaft oil seal with NEW engine oil.
       •  While installing the camshaft oil seal (2) to the cylinder head it is important that the camshaft oil seal concisely at the cylinder head fits.

  1. Install the NEW camshaft oil seal (2) use the EN-422 installer  (2).

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  3. Install the camshaft sprockets (3).
  4. Note: Turn the sprockets around till them locked in correct position.

  5. Install the camshaft sprocket washers (2) and the camshaft sprocket bolts (1) and hand tighten.

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  7. Install EN-6347 holding tool and EN-956-1 Brace Holder to counterhold.
  8. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution in the Preface section.

    Note: A second technician is required.

  9. Tighten the bolts to  67.5 N·m (50 lb ft).
  10. Remove the EN-6347 holding tool and the EN-956-1 extension from the exhaust camshaft sprocket
  11. Install the timing belt. Refer to Timing Belt Replacement .
  12. Close the hood.

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