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Fuel Feed Pipe Replacement — 1.4L LUH and LUJ

Special Tools

    • CH-807 Closure Plugs
    • CH-6015 Closure Plugs

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools .

Removal Procedure

Warning: Refer to Petrol/Petrol Vapours Warning in the Preface section.

  1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection .
  2. Relieve the fuel pressure. Refer to Fuel Pressure Relief .

  3. 2373056
  4. Disconnect the fuel feed pipe connector (3) from the fuel injector rail. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service .
  5. Unclip the fuel feed pipe (1) from the retainer clip (4).
  6. Close the fuel feed pipe connectors with CH-807 plugs .
  7. Unclip the fuel feed pipe from the bulk head retainer clip (2).
  8. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Lifting and Jacking the Vehicle .

  9. 2538049
  10. Remove and DISCARD the exhaust front hanger bracket bolt (3).
  11. Remove and DISCARD the frame reinforcement bolt (2).
  12. Loosen the drive train and front suspension frame bolt (1).

  13. 2538051
  14. Rotate the right frame reinforcement (1) to a position shown to get access to the fuel pipes.

  15. 2191622
  16. Open the 4 fuel pipe clips (2).
  17. Remove the lower bulk head clip.

  18. 2373058
  19. Disconnect the fuel tank feed pipe connector (1) from fuel feed pipe . Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service .
  20. Close the fuel feed pipe and fuel tank feed pipe with CH-6015 plugs .
  21. Disconnect the fuel pressure sensor wiring harness plug (2).
  22. Open the rear fuel pipe clip and remove the fuel feed pipe.

Installation Procedure

  1. Remove the CH-6015 plugs from fuel feed tank pipe and fuel feed pipe.

  2. 2373058
  3. Install the fuel feed pipe and secure with the rear fuel pipe clip.
  4. Connect the fuel tank feed pipe connector (1) to the fuel feed pipe. Refer to Plastic Collar Quick Connect Fitting Service .
  5. Connect the fuel pressure sensor wiring harness plug (2).

  6. 2191622
  7. Install the lower bulk head clip.
  8. Close the 4 fuel pipe clips (2).

  9. 2538049
  10. Rotate the right frame reinforcement to its original position.
  11. Install the exhaust front hanger bracket bolt (3).
  12. Install the frame reinforcement bolt (2).
  13. Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution in the Preface section.

    Caution: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution in the Preface section.

  14. Tighten the NEW exhaust front hanger bracket bolt (3) to 22 N·m (16 lb ft).
  15. Tighten the NEW frame reinforcement bolt (2) to 60 N·m (44 lb ft).
  16. Tighten the drivetrain and front suspension frame bolt (1) to 160 N·m (118 lb ft).
  17. Lower the vehicle.

  18. 2373056
  19. Remove the CH-807 plug from fuel feed pipe connector.
  20. Clip the fuel feed pipe to the bulk head retainer clip (2).
  21. Clip the fuel feed pipe (1) to the retainer clip (4).
  22. Connect the fuel feed pipe connector (3) to the fuel injector rail.
  23. Connect the battery negative cable. Refer to Battery Negative Cable Disconnection and Connection .

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