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Drive Range, Second Gear

As vehicle speed increases and operating conditions become appropriate, the transmission control module (TCM) processes input signals from the automatic transmission input and output speed sensors, the throttle position sensor and other vehicle sensors to determine the precise moment to command ON the normally-low 2-6 pressure control solenoid 4 and shift the transmission into Second gear. The manual valve remains in the Drive (D) position and line pressure continues to feed the drive fluid circuit.

2-6 Clutch Applies

26 Pressure Control (PC) Solenoid 4

The 26 PC solenoid 4 is commanded ON, allowing actuator feed limit fluid to enter the PCS 26 clutch fluid circuit. PCS 26 clutch fluid is then routed through orifice #24 to the 2-6 clutch regulator valve.

2-6 Clutch Regulator Valve

PCS 26 clutch fluid, at the 2-6 clutch regulator valve, opposes 2-6 clutch regulator valve spring force and orificed 26 clutch fluid pressure to regulate drive fluid pressure into the 26 clutch circuit. 26 clutch fluid is then routed through orifice #37 to the 2-6 clutch assembly in the transmission case, and through orifice #4 to the spring end of the 2-6 clutch regulator valve. With the 2-6 clutch regulator valve in this position, PS2 fluid is allowed to exhaust and the normally-closed PS2 switch closes.

2-6 Clutch

The 26 clutch fluid from the 2-6 clutch regulator valve is routed through the transmission case to the 2-6 clutch piston assembly. The 26 clutch fluid pressure moves the piston against 2-6 clutch spring force to apply the 2-6 clutch plates.

Drive Range, Second Gear


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