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Ignition System Operation

This ignition system does not use a conventional distributor and coil. It uses a crankshaft position sensor input to the engine control module (ECM). The ECM then determines Electronic Spark Timing (EST) and triggers the direct ignition system ignition coil.
This type of distributorless ignition system uses a "waste spark" method of spark distribution. Each cylinder is paired with the cylinder that is opposite it (1-4 or 2-3). The spark occurs simultaneously in the cylinder coming up on the compression stroke and in the cylinder coming up on the exhaust stroke. The cylinder on the exhaust stroke requires very little of the available energy to fire the spark plug. The remaining energy is available to the spark plug in the cylinder on the compression stroke.
These systems use the EST signal from the ECM to control the electronic spark timing. The ECM uses the following information:

Electronic Ignition System Ignition Coil

The Electronic Ignition (EI) system ignition coil provides the spark for two spark plugs simultaneously. The EI system ignition coil is not serviceable and must be replaced as an assembly.

Crankshaft Position Sensor

This direct ignition system uses a magnetic crankshaft position sensor. This sensor protrudes through its mount to within approximately 0.05 inch (1.3 mm) of the crankshaft reluctor. The reluctor is a special wheel attached to the crankshaft or crankshaft pulley with 58 slots machined into it, 57 of which are equally spaced in 6 degree intervals. The last slot is wider and serves to generate a "sync pulse." As the crankshaft rotates, the slots in the reluctor change the magnetic field of the sensor, creating an induced voltage pulse. The longer pulse of the 58th slot identifies a specific orientation of the crankshaft and allows the engine control module (ECM) to determine the crankshaft orientation at all times. The ECM uses this information to generate timed ignition and injection pulses that it sends to the ignition coils and to the fuel injectors.

Camshaft Position Sensor

The Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor sends a CMP sensor signal to the engine control module (ECM). The ECM uses this signal as a "sync pulse" to trigger the injectors in the proper sequence. The ECM uses the CMP sensor signal to indicate the position of the #1 piston during its power stroke. This allows the ECM to calculate true sequential fuel injection mode of operation. If the ECM detects an incorrect CMP sensor signal while the engine is running, DTC P0341 will set. If the CMP sensor signal is lost while the engine is running, the fuel injection system will shift to a calculated sequential fuel injection mode based on the last fuel injection pulse, and the engine will continue to run. As long as the fault is present, the engine can be restarted. It will run in the calculated sequential mode with a 1-in-6 chance of the injector sequence being correct.

Idle Air System Operation

The idle air system operation is controlled by the base idle setting of the throttle body and the Idle Air Control (IAC) valve.
The engine control module (ECM) uses the IAC valve to set the idle speed dependent on conditions. The ECM uses information from various inputs, such as coolant temperature, manifold vacuum, etc., for the effective control of the idle speed.

Fuel Control System Operation

The function of the fuel metering system is to deliver the correct amount of fuel to the engine under all operating conditions. The fuel is delivered to the engine by the individual fuel injectors mounted into the intake manifold near each cylinder.
The two main fuel control sensors are the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor, the Front Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S1) and the Rear Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S2).
The MAP sensor measures or senses the intake manifold vacuum. Under high fuel demands the MAP sensor reads a low vacuum condition, such as wide open throttle. The engine control module (ECM) uses this information to richen the mixture, thus increasing the fuel injector on-time, to provide the correct amount of fuel. When decelerating, the vacuum increases. This vacuum change is sensed by the MAP sensor and read by the ECM, which then decreases the fuel injector on-time due to the low fuel demand conditions.

HO2S Sensors

The HO2S sensor is located in the exhaust manifold. The HO2S sensor indicates to the ECM the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas and the ECM changes the air/fuel ratio to the engine by controlling the fuel injectors. The best air/fuel ratio to minimize exhaust emissions is 14.7 to 1, which allows the catalytic converter to operate most efficiently. Because of the constant measuring and adjusting of the air/fuel ratio, the fuel injection system is called a "closed loop" system.
The ECM uses voltage inputs from several sensors to determine how much fuel to provide to the engine. The fuel is delivered under one of several conditions, called "modes."

Starting Mode

When the ignition is turned ON, the ECM turns the fuel pump relay on for two seconds. The fuel pump then builds fuel pressure. The ECM also checks the Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor and the Throttle Position (TP) sensor and determines the proper air/fuel ratio for starting the engine. This ranges from 1.5 to 1 at -97 °F (-36 °C) coolant temperature to 14.7 to 1 at 201 °F (94 °C) coolant temperature. The ECM controls the amount of fuel delivered in the starting mode by changing how long the fuel injector is turned on and off. This is done by "pulsing" the fuel injectors for very short times.

Clear Flood Mode

If the engine floods with excessive fuel, it may be cleared by pushing the accelerator pedal down all the way. The ECM will then completely turn off the fuel by eliminating any fuel injector signal. The ECM holds this injector rate as long as the throttle stays wide open and the engine is below approximately 400. If the throttle position becomes less than approximately 80 percent, the ECM returns to the starting mode.

Run Mode

The run mode has two conditions called "open loop" and "closed loop."

Open Loop

When the engine is first started and it is above 400 rpm, the system goes into "open loop" operation. In "open loop," the ECM ignores the signal from the HO2S and calculates the air/fuel ratio based on inputs from the ECT sensor and the MAP sensor. The sensor stays in "open loop" until the following conditions are met:

Closed Loop

The specific values for the above conditions vary with different engines and are stored in the Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM). When these conditions are met, the system goes into "closed loop" operation. In "closed loop," the ECM calculates the air/fuel ratio (fuel injector on-time) based on the signal from the oxygen sensor. This allows the air/fuel ratio to stay very close to 14.7 to 1.

Acceleration Mode

The ECM responds to rapid changes in throttle position and airflow and provides extra fuel.

Deceleration Mode

The ECM responds to changes in throttle position and airflow and reduces the amount of fuel. When deceleration is very fast, the ECM can cut off fuel completely for short periods of time.

Battery Voltage Correction Mode

When battery voltage is low, the ECM can compensate for a weak spark delivered by the ignition module by using the following methods:

Fuel Cut-Off Mode

No fuel is delivered by the fuel injectors when the ignition is OFF. This prevents dieseling or engine run-on. Also, the fuel is not delivered if there are no reference pulses received from the central power supply. This prevents flooding.

Evaporative Emission Control System Operation

The basic Evaporative (EVAP) Emission control system used is the charcoal canister storage method. This method transfers fuel vapor from the fuel tank to an activated carbon (charcoal) storage device (canister) to hold the vapors when the vehicle is not operating. When the engine is running, the fuel vapor is purged from the carbon element by intake airflow and consumed in the normal combustion process.
Gasoline vapors from the fuel tank flow into the tube labeled TANK. These vapors are absorbed into the carbon. The canister is purged by the engine control module (ECM) when the engine has been running for a specified amount of time. Air is drawn into the canister and mixed with the vapor. This mixture is then drawn into the intake manifold.
The ECM supplies a ground to energize the EVAP emission canister purge solenoid valve. This valve is Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) or turned on and off several times a second. The EVAP emission canister purge PWM duty cycle varies according to operating conditions determined by mass airflow, fuel trim, and intake air temperature.
Poor idle, stalling, and poor driveability can be caused by the following conditions:

Evaporative Emission Canister

The Evaporative (EVAP) Emission canister is an emission control device containing activated charcoal granules. The EVAP emission canister is used to store fuel vapors from the fuel tank. Once certain conditions are met, the engine control module (ECM) activates the EVAP canister purge solenoid, allowing the fuel vapors to be drawn into the engine cylinders and burned.

Positive Crankcase Ventilation System Operation

A Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) system is used to provide complete use of the crankcase vapors. Fresh air from the air cleaner is supplied to the crankcase. The fresh air is mixed with blowby gases which are then passed through a vacuum hose into the intake manifold.
Periodically inspect the hoses and the clamps. Replace any crankcase ventilation components as required.
A restricted or plugged PCV hose may cause the following conditions:
A leaking PCV hose may cause the following conditions:

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor

The Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor is a thermistor (a resistor which changes value based on temperature) mounted in the engine coolant stream. Low coolant temperature produces a high resistance (100,000 ohms at -40 °F [-40 °C]) while high temperature causes low resistance (70 ohms at 266 °F [130 °C]).
The engine control module (ECM) supplies 5 volts to the ECT sensor through a resistor in the ECM and measures the change in voltage. The voltage will be high when the engine is cold, and low when the engine is hot. By measuring the change in voltage, the ECM can determine the coolant temperature. The engine coolant temperature affects most of the systems that the ECM controls. A failure in the ECT sensor circuit should set a diagnostic trouble code P0117 or P0118. Remember, these diagnostic trouble codes indicate a failure in the ECT sensor circuit, so proper use of the chart will lead either to repairing a wiring problem or to replacing the sensor to repair a problem properly.

Throttle Position Sensor

The Throttle Position (TP) sensor is a potentiometer connected to the throttle shaft of the throttle body. The TP sensor electrical circuit consists of a 5 volt supply line and a ground line, both provided by the engine control module (ECM). The ECM calculates the throttle position by monitoring the voltage on this signal line. The TP sensor output changes as the accelerator pedal is moved, changing the throttle valve angle. At a closed throttle position, the output of the TP sensor is low, about 0.5 volt. As the throttle valve opens, the output increases so that, at Wide Open Throttle (WOT), the output voltage will be about 5 volts.
The ECM can determine fuel delivery based on throttle valve angle (driver demand). A broken or loose TP sensor can cause intermittent bursts of fuel from the injector and an unstable idle, because the ECM thinks the throttle is moving. A problem in any of the TP sensor circuits should set a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P0121 or P0122. Once the DTC is set, the ECM will substitute a default value for the TP sensor and some vehicle performance will return. A DTC P0121 will cause a high idle speed.

Catalyst Monitor Oxygen Sensors

Three-way catalytic converters are used to control emissions of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The catalyst within the converters promotes a chemical reaction. This reaction oxidizes the HC and CO present in the exhaust gas and converts them into harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide. The catalyst also reduces NOx by converting it to nitrogen. The engine control module (ECM) can monitor this process using the HO2S1 and HO2S2 sensor. These sensors produce an output signal which indicates the amount of oxygen present in the exhaust gas entering and leaving the three-way converter. This indicates the catalyst's ability to efficiently convert exhaust gasses. If the catalyst is operating efficiently, the HO2S1 sensor signals will be more active than the signals produced by the HO2S2 sensor. The catalyst monitor sensors operate the same way as the fuel control sensors. The sensor’s main function is catalyst monitoring, but they also have a limited role in fuel control. If a sensor output indicates a voltage either above or below the 450 mv bias voltage for an extended period of time, the ECM will make a slight adjustment to fuel trim to ensure that fuel delivery is correct for catalyst monitoring.
A problem with the HO2S1 sensor circuit will set DTC P0131 or P0132 depending, on the special condition. A problem with the HO2S2 sensor signal will set DTC P0137, P0138 or P0140 depending on the special condition.
A fault in the Rear Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S2) heater element or its ignition feed or ground will result in lower oxygen sensor response. This may cause incorrect catalyst monitor diagnostic results.

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve

The Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is used on engines equipped with an automatic transaxle to lower NOx (oxides of nitrogen) emission levels caused by high combustion temperature. The EGR valve is controlled by the engine control module (ECM). The EGR valve feeds small amounts of exhaust gas into the intake manifold to decrease combustion temperature. The amount of exhaust gas recirculated is controlled by variations in vacuum and exhaust back pressure. If too much exhaust gas enters, combustion will not take place. For this reason, very little exhaust gas is allowed to pass through the valve, especially at idle.
The EGR valve is usually open under the following conditions:

Results of Incorrect Operation

Too much EGR flow tends to weaken combustion, causing the engine to run roughly or to stop. With too much EGR flow at idle, cruise, or cold operation, any of the following conditions may occur:
If the EGR valve stays open all the time, the engine may not idle. Too little or no EGR flow allows combustion temperatures to get too high during acceleration and load conditions. This could cause the following conditions:

Intake Air Temperature Sensor

The Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor is a thermistor, a resistor which changes value based on the temperature of the air entering the engine. Low temperature produces a high resistance (4,500 ohms at -40°F [-40°C]), while high temperature causes a low resistance (70 ohms at 266°F [130°C]).
The engine control module (ECM) provides 5 volts to the IAT sensor through a resistor in the ECM and measures the change in voltage to determine the IAT. The voltage will be high when the manifold air is cold and low when the air is hot. The ECM knows the intake IAT by measuring the voltage.
The IAT sensor is also used to control spark timing when the manifold air is cold.
A failure in the IAT sensor circuit sets a diagnostic trouble code P0112 or P0113.

Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System

The throttle actuator control (TAC) system is used to improve emissions, fuel economy, and driveability. The TAC system eliminates the mechanical link between the accelerator pedal and the throttle plate. The TAC system eliminates the need for a cruise control module and idle air control motor. The following is a list of TAC system components:
The ECM monitors the driver demand for acceleration with 2 APP sensors. The APP sensor 1 signal voltage range is from about 0.7-4.5 volts as the accelerator pedal is moved from the rest pedal position to the full pedal travel position. The APP sensor 2 range is from about 0.3-2.2 volts as the accelerator pedal is moved from the rest pedal position to the full pedal travel position. The ECM processes this information along with other sensor inputs to command the throttle plate to a certain position.
The throttle plate is controlled with a direct current motor called a throttle actuator control motor. The ECM can move this motor in the forward or reverse direction by controlling battery voltage and/or ground to 2 internal drivers. The throttle plate is held at a 5.7°TPS rest position using a constant force return spring. This spring holds the throttle plate to the rest position when there is no current flowing to the actuator motor.
The ECM monitors the throttle plate angle with 2 TP sensors. The TP sensor 1 signal voltage range is from about 0.7-4.3 volts as the throttle plate is moved from 0 percent to wide open throttle (WOT). The TP sensor 2 voltage range is from about 4.3-0.7 volts as the throttle plate is moved from 0 percent to WOT.
The ECM performs diagnostics that monitor the voltage levels of both APP sensors, both TP sensors, and the throttle actuator control motor circuit. It also monitors the spring return rate of both return springs that are housed internal to the throttle body assembly. These diagnostics are performed at different times based on whether the engine is running, or not running.
Every ignition cycle, the ECM performs a quick throttle return spring test to make sure the throttle plate can return to the 7 percent rest position from the 0 percent position. This is to ensure that the throttle plate can be brought to the rest position in case of an actuator motor circuit failure.

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor measures the changes in the intake manifold pressure which result from engine load and speed changes. It converts these to a voltage output.
A closed throttle on engine coast down produces a relatively low MAP output. MAP is the opposite of vacuum. When manifold pressure is high, vacuum is low. The MAP sensor is also used to measure barometric pressure. This is performed as part of MAP sensor calculations. With the ignition ON and the engine not running, the engine control module (ECM) will read the manifold pressure as barometric pressure and adjust the air/fuel ratio accordingly. This compensation for altitude allows the system to maintain driving performance while holding emissions low. The barometric function will update periodically during steady driving or under a wide open throttle condition. In the case of a fault in the barometric portion of the MAP sensor, the ECM will set to the default value.
A failure in the MAP sensor circuit sets a diagnostic trouble code P0107 or P0108.
The following tables show the difference between absolute pressure and vacuum related to MAP sensor output, which appears as the top row of both tables.


in. Hg


in. Hg

Engine Control Module

The engine control module (ECM), located inside the passenger kick-panel, is the control center of the fuel injection system. It constantly looks at the information from various sensors and controls the systems that affect the vehicle’s performance. The ECM also performs the diagnostic functions of the system. It can recognize operational problems, alert the driver through the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL), and store diagnostic trouble code(s) which identify problem areas to aid the technician in making repairs.
There are no serviceable parts in the ECM. The calibrations are stored in the ECM in the Programmable Read- Only Memory (PROM).
The ECM supplies either 5 or 12 volts to power the sensors or switches. This is done through resistances in the ECM which are so high in value that a test light will not come on when connected to the circuit. In some cases, even an ordinary shop voltmeter will not give an accurate reading because its resistance is too low. You must use a digital voltmeter with a 10 megohm input impedance to get accurate voltage readings. The ECM controls output circuits such as the fuel injectors, the idle air control valve, the A/C clutch relay, etc., by controlling the ground circuit through transistors or a device called a "quad-driver."

Fuel Injector

The Multiport Fuel Injection (MFI) assembly is a solenoid- operated device controlled by the engine control module (ECM). It meters pressurized fuel to a single engine cylinder. The ECM energizes the fuel injector or the solenoid to a normally closed ball or pintle valve. This allows fuel to flow into the top of the injector, past the ball or pintle valve, and through a recessed flow director plate at the injector outlet.
The director plate has six machined holes that control the fuel flow, generating a conical spray pattern of finely atomized fuel at the injector tip. Fuel from the tip is directed at the intake valve, causing it to become further atomized and vaporized before entering the combustion chamber. A fuel injector which is stuck partially open will cause a loss of fuel pressure after the engine is shut down. Also, an extended crank time will be noticed on some engines. Dieseling can also occur because some fuel can be delivered to the engine after the ignition is turned OFF.

Knock Sensor

The knock sensor detects abnormal knocking in the engine. The sensor is mounted in the engine block near the cylinders. The sensor produces an AC output voltage which increases with the severity of the knock. This signal is sent to the engine control module (ECM). The ECM then adjusts the ignition timing to reduce the spark knock.

Strategy - Based Diagnostics

Strategy-Based Diagnostics

The strategy-based diagnostic is a uniform approach to repair all Electrical/Electronic (E/E) systems. The diagnostic flow can always be used to resolve an E/E system problem and is a starting point when repairs are necessary. The following steps will instruct the technician on how to proceed with a diagnosis:

No Trouble Found

This condition exists when the vehicle is found to operate normally. The condition described by the customer may be normal. Verify the customer complaint against another vehicle that is operating normally. The condition may be intermittent. Verify the complaint under the conditions described by the customer before releasing the vehicle.
Re-examine the complaint.
When the complaint cannot be successfully found or isolated, a re-evaluation is necessary. The complaint should be re-verified and could be intermittent as defined in "Intermittents," or could be normal.
After isolating the cause, the repairs should be made. Validate for proper operation and verify that the symptom has been corrected. This may involve road testing or other methods to verify that the complaint has been resolved under the following conditions:

Verifying Vehicle Repair

Verification of the vehicle repair will be more comprehensive for vehicles with the Diagnostic system diagnostics. Following a repair, the technician should perform these steps:

Important : Follow the steps below when you verify repairs on OBD systems. Failure to follow these steps could result in unnecessary repairs.

OBD Serviceability Issues

Based on the knowledge gained from On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) experience in the 1994 and 1995 model years, this list of non-vehicle faults that could affect the performance of the OBD system has been compiled. These non-vehicle faults vary from environmental conditions to the quality of fuel used. With the introduction of OBD diagnostics across the entire passenger car and light-duty truck market in 1996, illumination of the MIL due to a non-vehicle fault could lead to misdiagnosis of the vehicle, increased warranty expense and customer dissatisfaction. The following list of non-vehicle faults does not include every possible fault and may not apply equally to all product lines.

Fuel Quality

Fuel quality is not a new issue for the automotive industry, but its potential for turning on the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) with OBD systems is new.
Fuel additives such as "dry gas" and "octane enhancers" may affect the performance of the fuel. If this results in an incomplete combustion or a partial burn, it will set DTC P0300. The Reed Vapor Pressure of the fuel can also create problems in the fuel system, especially during the spring and fall months when severe ambient temperature swings occur. A high Reed Vapor Pressure could show up as a Fuel Trim DTC due to excessive canister loading. High vapor pressures generated in the fuel tank can also affect the Evaporative Emission diagnostic as well.
Using fuel with the wrong octane rating for your vehicle may cause driveability problems. Many of the major fuel companies advertise that using "premium" gasoline will improve the performance of your vehicle. Most premium fuels use alcohol to increase the octane rating of the fuel. Although alcohol-enhanced fuels may raise the octane rating, the fuel's ability to turn into vapor in cold temperatures deteriorates. This may affect the starting ability and cold driveability of the engine.
Low fuel levels can lead to fuel starvation, lean engine operation, and eventually engine misfire.

Non-OEM Parts

All of the OBD diagnostics have been calibrated to run with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. Something as simple as a high-performance exhaust system that affects exhaust system back pressure could potentially interfere with the operation of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve and thereby turn on the MIL. Small leaks in the exhaust system near the post catalyst oxygen sensor can also cause the MIL to turn on.
Aftermarket electronics, such as cellular phones, stereos, and anti-theft devices, may radiate electromagnetic interference (EMI) into the control system if they are improperly installed. This may cause a false sensor reading and turn on the MIL.


Temporary environmental conditions, such as localized flooding, will have an effect on the vehicle ignition system. If the ignition system is rain-soaked, it can temporarily cause engine misfire and turn on the MIL.

Vehicle Marshaling

The transportation of new vehicles from the assembly plant to the dealership can involve as many as 60 key cycles within 2 to 3 miles of driving. This type of operation contributes to the fuel fouling of the spark plugs and will turn on the MIL with a set DTC P0300.

Poor Vehicle Maintenance

The sensitivity of OBD diagnostics will cause the MIL to turn on if the vehicle is not maintained properly. Restricted air filters, fuel filters, and crankcase deposits due to lack of oil changes or improper oil viscosity can trigger actual vehicle faults that were not previously monitored prior to OBD. Poor vehicle maintenance can not be classified as a "non-vehicle fault," but with the sensitivity of OBD diagnostics, vehicle maintenance schedules must be more closely followed.

Severe Vibration

The Misfire diagnostic measures small changes in the rotational speed of the crankshaft. Severe driveline vibrations in the vehicle, such as caused by an excessive amount of mud on the wheels, can have the same effect on crankshaft speed as misfire and, therefore, may set DTC P0300.

Related System Faults

Many of the OBD system diagnostics will not run if the engine control module (ECM) detects a fault on a related system or component. One example would be that if the ECM detected a Misfire fault, the diagnostics on the catalytic converter would be suspended until the Misfire fault was repaired. If the Misfire fault is severe enough, the catalytic converter can be damaged due to overheating and will never set a Catalyst DTC until the Misfire fault is repaired and the Catalyst diagnostic is allowed to run to completion. If this happens, the customer may have to make two trips to the dealership in order to repair the vehicle.

Serial Data Communications

GMLAN Serial Data Communications

General Motors in vehicle Local Area Network (GMLAN) is a family of serial communication buses (subnets) which enable Electronic Control Units (ECUs or nodes) to communicate with each other, or with a diagnostic tester.
GMLAN supports three buses, a dual wire high speed bus, a dual wire mid speed bus, and a single wire low speed bus.
The decision to use a particular bus in a given vehicle depends upon how the feature/functions are partitioned among the different ECUs in that vehicle.
GMLAN buses use the Controller Area Network (CAN) communications protocol. Data is packaged into CAN messages, which are segmented into CAN ‘frames’. Each CAN frame includes header data (also known as the CAN Identifier, or CANId), and a maximum of eight (8) data bytes. A message may be comprised of a single frame, or multiple frames depending on the number of data bytes which defines the complete message. Data link arbitration occurs only over the header, or CANId, portion of a frame.

ON-Board Diagnostic (OBD)

On-Board Diagnostic Tests

A diagnostic test is a series of steps, the result of which is a pass or fail reported to the diagnostic executive. When a diagnostic test reports a pass result, the diagnostic executive records the following data:
When a diagnostic test reports a fail result, the diagnostic executive records the following data:
Remember, a fuel trim Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) may be triggered by a list of vehicle faults. Make use of all information available (other DTCs stored, rich or lean condition, etc.) when diagnosing a fuel trim fault.

Comprehensive Component Monitor Diagnostic Operation

Comprehensive component monitoring diagnostics are required to monitor emissions-related input and output powertrain components.

Input Components

Input components are monitored for circuit continuity and out-of-range values. This includes rationality checking. Rationality checking refers to indicating a fault when the signal from a sensor does not seem reasonable, i.e. Throttle Position (TP) sensor that indicates high throttle position at low engine loads or Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) voltage. Input components may include, but are not limited to, the following sensors:
In addition to the circuit continuity and rationality check, the ECT sensor is monitored for its ability to achieve a steady state temperature to enable closed loop fuel control.

Output Components

Output components are diagnosed for proper response to control module commands. Components where functional monitoring is not feasible will be monitored for circuit continuity and out-of-range values if applicable. Output components to be monitored include, but are not limited to the following circuit:
Refer to "Engine Control Module" and Sensors in this section.

Passive and Active Diagnostic Tests

A passive test is a diagnostic test which simply monitors a vehicle system or component. Conversely, an active test, actually takes some sort of action when performing diagnostic functions, often in response to a failed passive test. For example, the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) diagnostic active test will force the EGR valve open during closed throttle deceleration and/or force the EGR valve closed during a steady state. Either action should result in a change in manifold pressure.

Intrusive Diagnostic Tests

This is any on-board test run by the Diagnostic Management System which may have an effect on vehicle performance or emission levels.

Warm-Up Cycle

A warm-up cycle means that engine temperature must reach a minimum of 160°F (70°C) and rise at least 72°F (22°C) over the course of a trip.

Freeze Frame

Freeze Frame is an element of the Diagnostic Management System which stores various vehicle information at the moment an emissions-related fault is stored in memory and when the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is commanded on. These data can help to identify the cause of a fault.

Failure Records

Failure Records data is an enhancement of the OBD Freeze Frame feature. Failure Records store the same vehicle information as does Freeze Frame, but it will store that information for any fault which is stored in onboard memory, while Freeze Frame stores information only for emission-related faults that command the MIL on.

Common OBD Terms


When used as a noun, the word diagnostic refers to any on-board test run by the vehicle's Diagnostic Management System. A diagnostic is simply a test run on a system or component to determine if the system or component is operating according to specification. There are many diagnostics, shown in the following list:

Enable Criteria

The term "enable criteria" is engineering language for the conditions necessary for a given diagnostic test to run. Each diagnostic has a specific list of conditions which must be met before the diagnostic will run.
"Enable criteria" is another way of saying "conditions required."
The enable criteria for each diagnostic is listed on the first page of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) description under the heading "Conditions for Setting the DTC." Enable criteria varies with each diagnostic and typically includes, but is not limited to, the following items:


Technically, a trip is a key-on run key-off cycle in which all the enable criteria for a given diagnostic are met, allowing the diagnostic to run. Unfortunately, this concept is not quite that simple. A trip is official when all the enable criteria for a given diagnostic are met. But because the enable criteria vary from one diagnostic to another, the definition of trip varies as well. Some diagnostics are run when the vehicle is at operating temperature, some when the vehicle first starts up; some require that the vehicle be cruising at a steady highway speed, some run only when the vehicle is at idle; some diagnostics function with the Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) disabled. Some run only immediately following a cold engine startup.
A trip then, is defined as a key-on run key-off cycle in which the vehicle was operated in such a way as to satisfy the enables criteria for a given diagnostic, and this diagnostic will consider this cycle to be one trip. However, another diagnostic with a different set of enable criteria (which were not met) during this driving event, would not consider it a trip. No trip will occur for that particular diagnostic until the vehicle is driven in such a way as to meet all the enable criteria

Diagnostic Information

The diagnostic charts and functional checks are designed to locate a faulty circuit or component through a process of logical decisions. The charts are prepared with the requirement that the vehicle functioned correctly at the time of assembly and that there are not multiple faults present.
There is a continuous self-diagnosis on certain control functions. This diagnostic capability is complimented by the diagnostic procedures contained in this manual. The language of communicating the source of the malfunction is a system of diagnostic trouble codes. When a malfunction is detected by the control module, a diagnostic trouble code is set and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is illuminated.

Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)

The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is required by On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) that it illuminates under a strict set of guide lines.
Basically, the MIL is turned on when the engine control module (ECM) detects a DTC that will impact the vehicle emissions.
The MIL is under the control of the Diagnostic Executive. The MIL will be turned on if an emissions-related diagnostic test indicates a malfunction has occurred. It will stay on until the system or component passes the same test, for three consecutive trips, with no emissions related faults.

Extinguishing the MIL

When the MIL is on, the Diagnostic Executive will turn off the MIL after three consecutive trips that a "test passed" has been reported for the diagnostic test that originally caused the MIL to illuminate. Although the MIL has been turned off, the DTC will remain in the ECM memory (both Freeze Frame and Failure Records) until forty (40) warm-up cycles after no faults have been completed.
If the MIL was set by either a fuel trim or misfire-related DTC, additional requirements must be met. In addition to the requirements stated in the previous paragraph, these requirements are as follows:
Meeting these requirements ensures that the fault which turned on the MIL has been corrected.
The MIL is on the instrument panel and has the following functions:

Data Link Connector (DLC)

The provision for communicating with the control module is the Data Link Connector (DLC). The DLC is used to connect to a scan tool. Some common uses of the scan tool are listed below:

DTC Types

Each Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is directly related to a diagnostic test. The Diagnostic Management System sets DTCs based on the failure of the tests during a trip or trips. Certain tests must fail two consecutive trips before the DTC is set. The following are the three types of DTCs and the characteristics of those codes:

Type A

Type E

Type C

Important : Only four Fail Records can be stored. Each Fail Record is for a different DTC. It is possible that there will not be Fail Records for every DTC if multiple DTCs are set.

Reading Diagnostic Trouble Codes

The procedure for reading diagnostic trouble code(s) is to use a diagnostic scan tool. When reading Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), follow the instructions supplied by tool manufacturer.

DTC Modes

On On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) passenger cars there are five options available in the scan tool DTC mode to display the enhanced information available. A description of the new modes, DTC Info and Specific DTC, follows. After selecting DTC, the following menu appears:
The following is a brief description of each of the sub menus in DTC Info and Specific DTC. The order in which they appear here is alphabetical and not necessarily the way they will appear on the scan tool.

DTC Information Mode

Use the DTC info mode to search for a specific type of stored DTC information. There are seven choices. The service manual may instruct the technician to test for DTCs in a certain manner. Always follow published service procedures.
To get a complete description of any status, press the "Enter" key before pressing the desired F-key. For example, pressing "Enter" then an F-key will display a definition of the abbreviated scan tool status.

DTC Status

This selection will display any DTCs that have not run during the current ignition cycle or have reported a test failure during this ignition up to a maximum of 33 DTCs. DTC tests which run and pass will cause that DTC number to be removed from the scan tool screen.

Fail This Ign. (Fail This Ignition)

This selection will display all DTCs that have failed during the present ignition cycle.


This selection will display only DTCs that are stored in the ECM's history memory. It will not display type DTCs that have not requested the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL). It will display all type A and E DTCs that have requested the MIL and have failed within the last 40 warm-up cycles. In addition, it will display type C DTC that have failed within the last 20 warm-up cycles.

Last Test Fail

This selection will display only DTCs that failed the last time the test ran. The last test may have run during a previous ignition cycle if a type A or type E DTC is displayed. For type C DTC, the last failure must have occurred during the current ignition cycle to appear as Last Test Fail.

MIL Request

This selection will display only DTCs that are requesting the MIL. This selection will report type A or type E DTCs only after the MIL has been requested.

Not Run SCC (Not Run Since Code Clear)

This option will display up to 33 DTCs that have not run since the DTCs were last cleared. Since any displayed DTCs have not run, their condition (passing or failing) is unknown.

Test Fail SCC (Test Failed Since Code Clear)

This selection will display all active and history DTCs that have reported a test failure since the last time DTCs were cleared. DTCs that last failed more than 40 warm-up cycles before this option is selected will not be displayed.

Specific DTC Mode

This mode is used to check the status of individual diagnostic tests by DTC number. This selection can be accessed if a DTC has passed, failed or both. Many EOBD DTC mode descriptions are possible because of the extensive amount of information that the diagnostic executive monitors regarding each test. Some of the many possible descriptions follow with a brief explanation.
The "F2" key is used, in this mode, to display a description of the DTC. The "Yes" and "No" keys may also be used to display more DTC status information. This selection will only allow entry of DTC numbers that are supported by the vehicle being tested. If an attempt is made to enter DTC numbers for tests which the diagnostic executive does not recognize, the requested information will not be displayed correctly and the scan tool may display an error message. The same applies to using the DTC trigger option in the Snapshot mode. If an invalid DTC is entered, the scan tool will not trigger.

Failed Last Test

This message display indicates that the last diagnostic test failed for the selected DTC. For type A and type E DTCs, this message will be displayed during subsequent ignition cycles until the test passes or DTCs are cleared. For type C and type D DTCs, this message will clear when the ignition is cycled.

Failed Since Clear

This message display indicates that the DTC has failed at least once within the last 40 warm-up cycles since the last time DTCs were cleared.

Failed This Ig. (Failed This Ignition)

This message display indicates that the diagnostic test has failed at least once during the current ignition cycle. This message will clear when DTCs are cleared or the ignition is cycled.


This message display indicates that the DTC has been stored in memory as a valid fault. A DTC displayed as a History fault may not mean that the fault is no longer present. The history description means that all the conditions necessary for reporting a fault have been met (maybe even currently), and the information was stored in the control module memory.

MIL Requested

This message display indicates that the DTC is currently causing the MIL to be turned ON. Remember that only type A and type E DTCs can request the MIL. The MIL request cannot be used to determine if the DTC fault conditions are currently being experienced. This is because the diagnostic executive will require up to three trips during which the diagnostic test passes to turn OFF the MIL.

Not Run Since CI (Not Run Since Cleared)

This message display indicates that the selected diagnostic test has not run since the last time DTCs were cleared. Therefore, the diagnostic test status (passing or failing) is unknown. After DTCs are cleared, this message will continue to be displayed until the diagnostic test runs.

Not Run This Ig. (Not Run This Ignition)

This message display indicates that the selected diagnostic test has not run during this ignition cycle.

Test Ran and Passed

This message display indicates that the selected diagnostic test has done the following:
If the indicated status of the vehicle is "Test Ran and Passed" after a repair verification, the vehicle is ready to be released to the customer.
If the indicated status of the vehicle is "Failed This Ignition" after a repair verification, then the repair is incomplete and further diagnosis is required.
Prior to repairing a vehicle, status information can be used to evaluate the state of the diagnostic test, and to help identify an intermittent problem. The technician can conclude that although the MIL is illuminated, the fault condition that caused the code to set is not present. An intermittent condition must be the cause.

Primary System - Based Diagnostics

There are primary system-based diagnostics which evaluate system operation and its effect on vehicle emissions. The primary system-based diagnostics are listed below with a brief description of the diagnostic function:

Oxygen Sensor Diagnosis

The fuel control Front Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S1) is diagnosed for the following conditions:
The catalyst monitor Rear Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S2) is diagnosed for the following conditions:
If the oxygen sensor pigtail wiring, connector or terminal are damaged, the entire oxygen sensor assembly must be replaced. Do not attempt to repair the wiring, connector or terminals. In order for the sensor to function properly, it must have clean reference air provided to it. This clean air reference is obtained by way of the oxygen sensor wire(s). Any attempt to repair the wires, connector or terminals could result in the obstruction of the reference air and degrade oxygen sensor performance.

Misfire Monitor Diagnostic Operation

The misfire monitor diagnostic is based on crankshaft rotational velocity (reference period) variations. The engine control module (ECM) determines crankshaft rotational velocity using the Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor and the Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor. When a cylinder misfires, the crankshaft slows down momentarily. By monitoring the CKP and CMP sensor signals, the ECM can calculate when a misfire occurs.
For a non-catalyst damaging misfire, the diagnostic will be required to monitor a misfire present for between 1000-3200 engine revolutions.
For catalyst-damaging misfire, the diagnostic will respond to misfire within 200 engine revolutions.
Rough roads may cause false misfire detection. A rough road will cause torque to be applied to the drive wheels and drive train. This torque can intermittently decrease the crankshaft rotational velocity. This may be falsely detected as a misfire.
A rough road sensor, or G sensor, works together with the misfire detection system. The G sensor produces a voltage that varies along with the intensity of road vibrations. When the ECM detects a rough road, the misfire detection system is temporarily disabled.

Misfire Counters

Whenever a cylinder misfires, the misfire diagnostic counts the misfire and notes the crankshaft position at the time the misfire occurred. These "misfire counters" are basically a file on each engine cylinder. A current and a history misfire counter are maintained for each cylinder. The misfire current counters (Misfire Cur #1-4) indicate the number of firing events out of the last 200 cylinder firing events which were misfires. The misfire current counter will display real time data without a misfire Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) stored. The misfire history counters (Misfire Hist #1-4) indicate the total number of cylinder firing events which were misfires. The misfire history counters will display 0 until the misfire diagnostic has failed and a DTC P0300 is set. Once the misfire DTC P0300 is set, the misfire history counters will be updated every 200 cylinder firing events. A misfire counter is maintained for each cylinder.
If the misfire diagnostic reports a failure, the diagnostic executive reviews all of the misfire counters before reporting a DTC. This way, the diagnostic executive reports the most current information.
When crankshaft rotation is erratic, a misfire condition will be detected. Because of this erratic condition, the data that is collected by the diagnostic can sometimes incorrectly identify which cylinder is misfiring.
Use diagnostic equipment to monitor misfire counter data on On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) compliant vehicles. Knowing which specific cylinder(s) misfired can lead to the root cause, even when dealing with a multiple cylinder misfire. Using the information in the misfire counters, identify which cylinders are misfiring. If the counters indicate cylinders numbers 1 and 4 misfired, look for a circuit or component common to both cylinders number 1 and 4.
The misfire diagnostic may indicate a fault due to a temporary fault not necessarily caused by a vehicle emission system malfunction. Examples include the following items:

Fuel Trim System Monitor Diagnostic Operation

This system monitors the averages of short-term and long-term fuel trim values. If these fuel trim values stay at their limits for a calibrated period of time, a malfunction is indicated. The fuel trim diagnostic compares the averages of short-term fuel trim values and long-term fuel trim values to rich and lean thresholds. If either value is within the thresholds, a pass is recorded. If both values are outside their thresholds, a rich or lean DTC will be recorded.
The fuel trim system diagnostic also conducts an intrusive test. This test determines if a rich condition is being caused by excessive fuel vapor from the Evaporative (EVAP) Emission canister. In order to meet OBD requirements, the control module uses weighted fuel trim cells to determine the need to set a fuel trim DTC. A fuel trim DTC can only be set if fuel trim counts in the weighted fuel trim cells exceed specifications. This means that the vehicle could have a fuel trim problem which is causing a problem under certain conditions (i.e., engine idle high due to a small vacuum leak or rough idle due to a large vacuum leak) while it operates fine at other times. No fuel trim DTC would set (although an engine idle speed DTC or HO2S2 DTC may set). Use a scan tool to observe fuel trim counts while the problem is occurring.
A fuel trim DTC may be triggered by a number of vehicle faults. Make use of all information available (other DTCs stored, rich or lean condition, etc.) when diagnosing a fuel trim fault.

Fuel Trim Cell Diagnostic Weights

No fuel trim DTC will set regardless of the fuel trim counts in cell 0 unless the fuel trim counts in the weighted cells are also outside specifications. This means that the vehicle could have a fuel trim problem which is causing a problem under certain conditions (i.e. engine idle high due to a small vacuum leak or rough due to a large vacuum leak) while it operates fine at other times. No fuel trim DTC would set (although an engine idle speed DTC or HO2S2 DTC may set). Use a scan tool to observe fuel trim counts while the problem is occurring.

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