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Oil Pump and 2nd Coast Brake (B1), 2nd Brake (B2) Disassembly

    Tools Required

    J 23327 Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 28585 Snap Ring Remover
    J 41236 Coast Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 45164 Spring Compressor Bridge
  1. Remove the thrust race.

  2. L7B53AH3
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  3. Remove the flange, disc and plate of 2nd coast brake (B1).
    1. Using J 45164, J 21420-2 and J 23327-2, which are part of J 23327, compress the spring.
    2. Using J 28585, remove the snap ring from the oil pump assembly.

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    1. Remove the 1 flange, 2 discs, 2 plates. For HFV6 3.2L or 2.0S Diesel, remove the 1 flange, 3 discs, 3 plates.

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  4. Remove the brake piston return spring.
    1. Install J 21420-2 and J 23327-2, which are part of J 23327, and J 41236 and compress the spring.
    2. Remove the snap ring using the snap ring pliers.
    3. Remove the return spring assembly from the oil pump assembly.

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    Caution : Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

  5. Remove the 2nd coast brake(B1) piston.
    1. While pushing the piston by hand, apply compressed air (4Kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown in the figure and remove the B1 piston.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the O-ring and piston.

    1. Remove the O-rings from the piston.

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  6. Remove the flange, disc and plate of 2nd brake (B2).
    1. Remove the snap ring with a screwdriver.

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    1. Remove the 2 flanges, 3 discs, 2 plates. For HFV6 3.2L or 2.0S Diesel, remove the 1 flange, 4 discs, 4 plates.

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    1. Remove the return spring assembly.

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    1. Remove the snap ring.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the oil pump cover and B2 piston.

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    Caution : Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

  7. Remove the 2nd brake (B2) piston.
    1. While pushing the piston by hand, apply compressed air (4Kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown in the figure and remove the B2 piston.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the oil pump cover and piston.

    1. Remove the O- rings from the piston.

2nd Coast Brake (B1) and 2nd Brake (B2) Inspection

  1. Inspect the flange, disc and plate.
    1. Check that the sliding surface of disc and plate is not worn or burnt. If the disc or plate is worn or burnt, replace it.

    Important : Replace new clutch discs by soaking them at least 2 hours in ATF.

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  2. Remove the oil pump cover.
    1. Remove the 14 torx bolts.

    Important : Be careful not to drop the oil pump body and oil pump cover.

    1. Remove the oil pump cover.

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  3. Remove the oil pump plate.
    1. Remove the oil pump plate.
    2. Remove the O-ring from the pump body.

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  4. Remove the oil pump drive gear and oil pump driven gear.

  5. L7B53AJ7
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  6. Remove the oil seal.
    1. Remove the oil seal with a screwdriver.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the oil pump body bushing.

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Oil Pump Bushing Inspection

  1. Check the oil pump body bushing.
    1. Using a dial indicator, measure the inner diameter of oil pump body bushing.
    Inner diameter :

    Important : Measure at different places and take an average. If the measurement is greater than the maximum, replace the oil pump body with a new one.

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  2. Check the stator shaft bushing.
    1. Using a dial indicator, measure the inner diameter of stator shaft bushing.
    Inner diameter :

    Important : Measure at different places and take an average. If the measurement is greater than the maximum, replace the stator shaft with a new one.

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  3. Check the body clearance.
    1. Push the driven gear to one side of the body. Using a feeler gauge, measure the clearance.
    Body clearance :

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  4. Check the tip clearance of both gears.
    1. Using a feeler gauge, measure between the drive gear teeth and the crescent-shaped part of the pump body.
    Drive gear tip clearance :

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    1. Using a feeler gauge, measure between the driven gear teeth and the crescent-shaped part of the pump body.
    Driven gear tip clearance :

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  5. Check the side clearance of both gears.
    1. Using a steel straightedge and a feeler gauge, measure the side clearance of both gears.
    Drive and driven gear side clearance :

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Oil Pump Assembly

    Tools Required

    J 35582 Oil Pump Seal Installer
  1. Install the oil seal.
    1. Coat the inner surface of oil pump body with ATF.
    2. Using J 35582, drive in a new oil seal. The seal end should be flush with the outer edge of pump body.

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  2. Install the oil pump drive gear and driven gear.
    1. Coat the surface of oil pump body with ATF.
    2. Install the oil pump drive & driven gear to the oil pump body.

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  3. Install the oil pump plate.
    1. Coat the new O-ring with ATF and install them on the oil pump body.
    2. Align the oil pump plate hole with the dowel pin of oil pump body.

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  4. Install the oil pump cover.
    1. Align the oil pump cover with each bolt hole of the oil pump body and temporally tighten the 14 torx bolts.

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    1. Tighten the 14 torx bolts.

    Tighten the oil pump cover bolt (14 mm) to 12 N•m (106 lb-in).
    Tighten the oil pump cover bolt (17 mm) to 7 N•m (62 lb-in).

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  5. Check the oil pump drive gear rotation.
    1. Make sure that the drive gear rotates smoothly when installed to the torque converter.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the oil seal lip.

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2nd Coast Brake (B1) and 2nd Brake (B2) Assembly

    Tools Required

    J 23327 Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 28585 Snap Ring Remover
    J 41236 Coast Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 45164 Spring Compressor Bridge
  1. Install the 2nd brake (B2) piston.
    1. Coat the new O-rings with ATF and install them on the piston.
    2. Coat the inner surfaces of oil pump cover with ATF.
    3. Press the piston into the oil pump cover.

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    1. Install the snap ring.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the oil pump cover.

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  2. Install the 2nd brake (B2) return spring.
    1. Place the return spring on the piston with the spring side up.

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  3. Install plate, disc and flange of 2nd brake (B2).
    1. Install the flange, disc and plate as shown in the figure.

    Important : Be sure number and order of plates and discs.

    Order : F-D-P-D-P-D-F (FAM II 2.4D)
    P-D-P-D-P-D-P-D-F (HFV6 3.2L or 2.0S Diesel)
    Flange (F)
    Plate (P)
    Disc (D)
    2nd brake (B2)
    2 (1)
    2 (4)
    3 (4)

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    1. Using a screwdriver, install the snap ring.
    2. Check that the end gap of snap ring is not aligned with one of the cutouts.

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  4. Install the 2nd coast brake (B1) piston.
    1. Coat the O-rings with ATF and install them on the piston.
    2. Coat the inner surfaces of oil pump cover with ATF.
    3. Press the piston into the oil pump cover.

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  5. Install the 2nd coast brake(B1) return spring.
    1. Place the J 21420-2 and J 23327-2, which are part of J 23327, and J 41236 on the return spring and compress the spring.
    2. Using the snap ring pliers, install the snap ring into the groove of the oil pump cover.

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  6. Install the flange, disc and plate of 2nd coast brake (B1).
    1. Install the flange, disc and plate as shown in the figure.

    Important : Be sure number and order of plates and discs.

    Flange (F)
    Plate (P)
    Disc (D)
    2nd coast brake (B1)
    1 (1)
    2 (3)
    2 (3)

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    1. Using J 45164, J 21420-2 and J 23327-2, which are part of J 23327, compress the spring.
    2. Using J 28585, install the snap ring into the groove of the stator shaft.

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    Caution : Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

  7. Check the piston stroke of 2nd brake (B2).
    1. Set a dial indicator as shown in the figure.
    2. When applying compressed air (4kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown, measure the piston stroke and check the piston moves smoothly.
    If the piston stroke is out of standards, select another flange.

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  8. Check the piston stroke of 2nd coast Brake(B1).
    1. Set a dial indicator as shown in the figure.
    2. When applying compressed air (4kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown, measure the piston stroke and check the piston moves smoothly.

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  9. Install the thrust washer.
    1. Install the thrust washer with grease, facing the flat surface up.

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2nd Coast Brake (B1) Hub, 2nd Brake (B2) Hub and 1 Way Clutch No.1 (F1) Disassembly

  1. Remove the thrust washer.
    1. Remove the thrust washer from the outer race.

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  2. Remove the 2nd coast brake (B1) hub.
    1. Remove the B1 hub from the 1 way clutch outer race.
    2. Remove the thrust washer from the B1 hub.

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  3. Remove the 1 way clutch No.1(F1).
    1. Remove the F1 from the 1 way clutch outer race.

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2nd Coast Brake (B1) Hub, 2nd Brake (B2) Hub and 1 Way Clutch No.1 (F1) Assembly

  1. Install the 1 way clutch No.1 (F1).
    1. Install the F1 into the 1 way clutch outer race.

    Important : Don't mistake the direction of 1 way clutch.

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    1. Install the thrust washer onto the B1 hub.

    Important : Coat the thrust washer with grease. Align the tab of the washer with the hollow of the B1 hub.

    1. Install the B1 hub into the 1 way clutch outer race .

    Important : While turning the B1 hub, slide it into the 1 way clutch outer race.

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    1. Coat the thrust washer with grease. Align the tab of the washer with the hollow of the 1 way clutch outer race.

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  2. Check the operation of 1 way clutch.
    1. Hold the 1 way clutch outer race, and check that the B1 hub should turn freely clockwise and should lock counterclockwise.

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Rear Case Disassembly

  1. Remove the underdrive clutch (C3) apply tube.
    1. Remove the 4 bolts and the 2 clamps from the rear case.

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    1. Using a screwdriver, remove the underdrive clutch(C3) apply tube.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the C3 apply tube and the rear case.

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  2. Remove the thrust race and seal ring.
    1. Remove the thrust race from the rear case.
    2. Remove the 3 seal rings from the rear case.

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  3. Remove the forward clutch(C1) accumulator.
    1. Remove the 2 torx bolts, and the accumulator cover.
    2. Remove the accumulator piston and the spring, O-ring, seal ring from the accumulator cover.

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B5 Brake Disassembly

    Tools Required

    J 23327 Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 23456 Booster and Clutch Pack Compressor
    J 45184 Differential Bearing Race Installer
    J 28585 Snap Ring Remover
  1. Remove the flange, disc, plates, and cushion plate.
    1. Using J 28585, remove the snap ring.

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    1. Remove the 1 flange, 6 discs, 6 plates, and 1 cushion plate.

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    Important : Be careful not to bend the return spring assembly.

  2. Remove the return spring assembly.
    1. Place J 45184 on the center of J 23456.
    2. Place the transaxle case cover onto J 45184.
    3. Using J 23327-1,which is the bridge part of J 23327, compress the return spring and remove the snap ring with a pliers.
    4. Remove the all tools.
    5. Remove the return spring assembly.

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    Caution : Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

  3. Remove the B5 brake piston.
    1. While pushing the piston by hand, apply compressed air (4kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown in the figure and remove the piston.

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    1. Remove the O-rings from the piston.

B5 Brake Inspection

  1. Inspect the flange,disc,plate and cushion plate.
    1. Check that the sliding surface of disc and plate is not worn or burnt. If the disc or plate is worn or burnt, replace it.

    Important : Replace new clutch discs by soaking them at least 2 hours in ATF.

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B5 Brake & Rear Case Assembly

    Tools Required

    J 23327 Clutch Spring Compressor
    J 23456 Booster and Clutch Pack Compressor
    J 45184 Differential Bearing Race Installer
    J 28585 Snap Ring Remover
  1. Install the B5 brake piston.
    1. Coat the new O-rings with ATF and install them on the piston.
    2. Coat the inner surface of rear case with ATF.
    3. Press the piston into the rear case. Be careful not to damage the O-rings.

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    Important : Be careful not to bend the return spring assembly.

  2. Install the B5 return spring assembly.
    1. Place the return spring assembly on the B5 brake piston.
    2. Place J 45184 on the center of J 23456.
    3. Place the transaxle case cover onto J 45184.
    4. Using J 23327-1,which is the bridge part of J 23327, compress the return spring assembly.
    5. Install the snap ring using a snap ring pliers.
    6. Remove the all tools.

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  3. Install the flange,plate,disc and cushion plate.
    1. Install the cushion plate.

    Important : Be sure direction of cushion plate.

    1. Install the flange, plates and discs as shown in the figure.

    Important : Be sure number and order of plates and discs.

    Flange (F)
    Plate (P)
    Disc (D)
    Cushion Plate (CP)
    B5 Brake

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    1. Install the snap ring with a screwdriver in the groove.

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    Important : Be sure direction of the snap ring as shown in the figure.

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  4. Install the forward clutch (C1) accumulator.
    1. Coat the new seal ring with ATF and install the accumulator piston.
    2. Install the accumulator piston and spring into the accumulator cover.
    3. Coat the new O-ring with ATF and install the accumulator cover.
    4. Place the accumulator cover on the rear case and tighten the 2 torx bolts.

    Tighten the forward clutch (C1) accumulator bolt to 10 N•m (89 lb-in).

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  5. Install the seal ring.
    1. Coat the 3 new seal rings and install them on the rear case.
    2. Place the thrust race on the rear case.

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  6. Install the underdrive clutch (C3) apply tube.
    1. Coat the new O-rings with ATF and install them into the underdrive clutch (C3) apply tube.

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    1. Install the C3 apply tube to the rear case with a plastic hammer.

    Important : Be careful not to damage the O-rings and C3 apply tube.

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    1. Place the 2 clamps and tighten the 4 bolts.

    Tighten the underdrive clutch bolt to 7 N•m (62 lb-in).

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    Caution : Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

  7. Check the piston stroke of B5 brake.
    1. Set a dial indicator as shown in the figure.
    2. When applying compressed air (4kg/cm²) into the oil passage as shown, measure the piston stroke and piston moves smoothly.
    If the piston stroke is out of standards, select another flange.

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