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Bushing and Mating Shaft Inspection

Note: Proper bushing and corresponding mating shaft inspection should be performed before replacing the bushing, shaft, and in some cases, the component which houses the bushing. Thoroughly clean and dry the bushing and shaft surfaces before inspecting for damage.

Any of the following bushing conditions require replacement of the bushing and/or housing:

    • Discolouration due to heat distress
    • Misalignment or displacement of bushing as a result of spinning in housing
    • Medium to heavy scoring that can be easily detected with fingernail. Light scoring is a normal condition.
    • Debris embedded into the bushing lining material
    • Obvious damage, including excessive and uneven wear
    • Excessive polishing. Minor polishing of the bushing is an indication of normal wear and does not require replacement.

Any of the following conditions require replacement of the bushing's mating shaft:

    • Discolouration due to heat distress
    • Rough surface finish that can be easily detected with finger
    • Obvious shaft abnormalities, including warping or uneven surfaces
    • Obvious damage or cracking

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