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Vibration Analysis - Tyre and Wheel

Test Description

The numbers below refer to the step numbers in the diagnostic table:

  1. A build-up of foreign material on a tyre and wheel assembly and/or a damaged, abnormally or excessively worn tyre and wheel assembly could cause a vibration disturbance.

  2. Tyre and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive runout when measured while mounted on the vehicle, may or may not be contributing to, or causing a vibration disturbance. On-vehicle runout, if present, could contribute to, or cause a vibration disturbance, but the cause of the on-vehicle runout may not be the tyre and wheel assemblies.

  3. Tyre and wheel assemblies that exhibit excessive runout when measured off of the vehicle could cause a vibration disturbance.

  4. Tyre and wheel assemblies that exhibit marginal runout--within acceptable limits, but close to the maximum--when measured off of the vehicle could still be contributing to a vibration disturbance, if its mating hub/axle flange also exhibits marginal runout. When the tyre and wheel assembly and the hub axle flange are mounted to each other, the combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of runout could combine to produce an excessive amount of runout, which could cause a vibration disturbance.

  5. Brake rotors and/or brake drums, if equipped, that exhibit excessive imbalance could contribute to, or possibly cause a vibration disturbance.

  6. A hub/axle flange and/or wheel studs that exhibit excessive runout could cause a vibration disturbance.

  7. When the tyre and wheel assembly and the hub axle flange are mounted to each other, the combined stack-up of their marginal amounts of runout could combine to produce an excessive amount of runout, which could cause a vibration disturbance. Match-mounting or vectoring the tyre and wheel assembly to the hub/axle flange will modify the amount of combined runout.

  8. Force variation may be present in a tyre and wheel assembly that exhibited acceptable balance and runout. Force variation, if present, could contribute to, or cause a vibration disturbance.

  9. Vibration disturbances could be affected by, or possibly caused by, components that are susceptible to steering input and/or torque-load input.

  10. On-vehicle balancing, or finish-balancing can be used to reduce small amounts of imbalance which may be present as a result of the combined stack-up of the tyre and wheel assembly with other components which may exhibit marginal balance.






Has the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table been completed?

Go to Step 2

Go to Vibration Analysis - Road Testing


Based on the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table, is the concern first-order tyre and wheel assembly related?

Go to Step 4

Go to Step 3


Based on the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table, is the concern second-order, or higher-order tyre and wheel assembly related?

Go to Step 18

Go to Vibration Analysis - Road Testing


Visually inspect the tyre and wheel assemblies for the following:

    • Debris build-up, such as packed mud, undercoating, ice/snow buildup, road tar, etc.
    • Damage, abnormal or excessive wear

Refer to Tyre and Wheel Inspection .

Do any of the tyre and wheel assemblies exhibit any of the conditions listed?

Go to Step 5

Go to Step 6


  1. Remove the debris from the tyre and wheel assemblies.
  2. Replace the damaged, abnormally or excessively worn wheels or tyres as necessary.

Did you complete the repair or replacement?

Go to Step 23



Measure the on-vehicle runout of the tyre and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly Runout Measurement - On-Vehicle .

Does the runout measurement indicate a runout concern?

Go to Step 7

Go to Step 12


Measure the off-vehicle runout of the tyre and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Runout Measurement - Off Vehicle .

Does the runout measurement indicate a runout concern?

Go to Step 19

Go to Step 8


Is the vehicle equipped with run-flat tyres?

Go to Step 12

Go to Step 9


Are any of the tyre and wheel assembly runout measurements marginal; within acceptable limits, but close to the maximum?

Go to Step 10

Go to Step 15


Note: Ensure that each tyre and wheel assembly that is match-mounted is properly balanced before reinstalling to the vehicle.

  1. Match-mount the tyre-to-wheel for each tyre and wheel assembly with marginal runout. Refer to Tyre-to-Wheel Match-Mounting (Vectoring) .
  2. Measure the runout of each match-mounted tyre and wheel assembly. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Runout Measurement - Off Vehicle .

Were you able to significantly reduce the amount of tyre and wheel assembly runout?

Go to Step 11

Go to Step 19


Re-measure the on-vehicle runout of the tyre and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly Runout Measurement - On-Vehicle .

Does the measurement indicate a runout concern?

Go to Step 15

Go to Step 23


Inspect the balance of the tyre and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle .

Are any or the tyre and wheel assemblies out of balance?

Go to Step 13

Go to Step 14


Balance the tyre and wheel assemblies as necessary. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Balancing - Off Vehicle .

Were you able to achieve balance?

Go to Step 23

Go to Vibration Diagnostic Aids


  1. Inspect the brake rotors and brake drums, if equipped, for damage.
  2. Inspect the balance of the brake rotors and brake drums, if equipped. Refer to Brake Disc/Drum Balance Inspection .
  3. Replace brake rotors and/or brake drums, if equipped, that are damaged and/or out of balance.

Did you find and correct a condition?

Go to Step 23

Go to Step 17


  1. Measure the runout of the hub/axle flanges and the wheel studs, if equipped.
  2. Inspect the wheel bolts, if equipped, for straightness and damage.
  3. Refer to Hub/Axle Flange and Wheel Stud Runout Inspection .
  4. If the inspection procedure indicates a runout concern, replace the appropriate components:
  5. • Wheel studs, if equipped
    • Wheel bolts, if equipped
    • Wheel bearing/hub assembly

Did you find and correct a condition?

Go to Step 23

Go to Step 16


  1. Match-mount the tyre and wheel assemblies-to-hub/axle flanges. Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly-to-Hub/Axle Flange Match-Mounting .
  2. Re-measure the on-vehicle runout of tyre and wheel assemblies. Refer to Tire and Wheel Assembly Runout Measurement - On-Vehicle .

Were you able to significantly reduce the amount of on-vehicle tyre and wheel assembly runout?

Go to Step 23

Go to Step 2


Inspect for radial and lateral force variation. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Isolation Test .

Were you able to isolate one or more of the tyre and wheel assemblies as the cause of the disturbance?

Go to Step 19

Go to Step 20


Inspect for radial and lateral force variation. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Isolation Test .

Were you able to isolate one or more of the tyre and wheel assemblies as the cause of the disturbance?

Go to Step 19

Go to Step 21


Replace any tyres and/or wheels that were isolated as the cause of the disturbance, as necessary.

Did you complete the replacement?

Go to Step 23


Perform the Vibration Analysis - Hub/Axle Input table. Refer to Vibration Analysis - Hub and/or Axle Input .

Did you find and correct a condition?

Go to Step 23

Go to Step 22


Perform the Vibration Analysis - Hub/Axle Input table. Refer to Vibration Analysis - Hub and/or Axle Input .

Did you find and correct a condition?

Go to Step 23

Go to Vibration Diagnostic Aids


Finish-balance the tyre and wheel assemblies on-vehicle. Refer to Tyre and Wheel Assembly Balancing - On-Vehicle .

Did you complete the on-vehicle finish balancing?

Go to Step 23


  1. Install or connect any components that were removed or disconnected during diagnosis.
  2. Perform the Vibration Analysis - Road Testing table. Refer to Vibration Analysis - Road Testing .

Is the vibration still present?

Go to Step 2

System OK


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