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Crankshaft Balancer Removal - LE5 or LE9

Special Tools

    • EN-38122-A Crankshaft Balancer Holder
    • EN-43653 Flywheel Holding Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools : LE5 or LE9 .


    Note: EN-43653 flywheel holding tool may be used instead of EN-38122-A crankshaft balancer holder to prevent crankshaft rotation.

  1. Install EN-38122-A holder (1).
  2. Remove the balancer retaining bolt and washer. Use EN-38122-A holder and a breaker bar to prevent the crankshaft from rotating when loosening the bolt. Discard the bolt.

  3. 2148366
  4. Remove the crankshaft balancer assembly (1) using a universal removal tool.

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