Captiva |
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Perform the Diagnostic System Check.
Is the system check complete?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Are any Diagnostic Trouble Codes(DTCs) displayed?
Go to Step 3
Try with another scan tool
3 |
Refer to the applicable DTC table. Start with the DTC with the lowest numerical value and move up.
Is the DTC identified as valid trouble code U0073?
Go to Step 4
Go to Applicable DTC Table
4 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 6
Go to Step 5
5 |
Check for an open or short to ground in the wire between the TCM connector J1 terminal 7 and ECM connector J1 terminal 49.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 6
Go to Step 7
6 |
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has run and passed?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 2
7 |
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has run and passed?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 8
8 |
Does the scan tool indicate that this diagnostic has run and passed?
Go to Step 9
9 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Test the following circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open or a short to ground:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 3
3 |
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 4
4 |
Test the high speed GMLAN serial data circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 5
5 |
Inspect the harness connectors of the module that is not communicating for poor connections and terminal tension at the following circuits:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
6 |
Replace the module that is not communicating.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7
7 |
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 8
8 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to Step 9
9 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Test the following circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open or a short to ground:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 3
3 |
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 4
4 |
Test the high speed GMLAN serial data circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 5
5 |
Inspect the harness connectors of the module that is not communicating for poor connections and terminal tension at the following circuits:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
6 |
Replace the module that is not communicating.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7
7 |
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 8
8 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to Step 9
9 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Test the following circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open or a short to ground:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 3
3 |
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 4
4 |
Test the high speed GMLAN serial data circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 5
5 |
Inspect the harness connectors of the module that is not communicating for poor connections and terminal tension at the following circuits:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
6 |
Replace the module that is not communicating.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7
7 |
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 8
8 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to Step 9
9 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Test the following circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open or a short to ground:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 3
3 |
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 4
4 |
Test the high speed GMLAN serial data circuits of the module that is not communicating for an open.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 5
5 |
Inspect the harness connectors of the module that is not communicating for poor connections and terminal tension at the following circuits:
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
6 |
Replace the module that is not communicating.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7
7 |
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 8
8 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to Step 9
9 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Did you perform the Diagnostic System Check?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Did any DTCs display other than U0442?
Go to applicable DTC table
Go to Step 3
3 |
Did DTC U0402 fail this ignition?
Go to Step 7
Go to "Intermittent"
4 |
Did any transmission control module (TCM) DTCs or any other "U" DTC also set?
Go to applicable DTC table
Go to Step 5
5 |
Test the LAN circuits in the wiring harness between TCM and the ECM for a high resistance or a poor connection at the module connectors.
Did you find and correct the condition?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
6 |
Replace the ECM.
Did you complete the replacement?
Go to Step 7
7 |
Did the DTC fail this ignition?
Go to Step 2
Go to Step 8
8 |
Check if any additional DTCs are set.
Are any DTCs displayed that have not been diagnosed?
Go to applicable DTC table
System OK
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