Captiva |
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Perform the Diagnostic System Check.
Are any Diagnostic Trouble Code(s) (DTCs) stored in the Engine Control Module (ECM) memory?
Go to Appropriate DTC Table
Go to Step 2
2 |
Are all checks complete?
Go to Appropriate Symptom Table
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Are any problems present?
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 4
3 |
Repair the electrical connections as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Road test the vehicle with a voltmeter connected to a suspected circuit or a scan tool connected to the Data Link Connector (DLC).
Did the voltmeter or the scan tool indicate an abnormal voltage or scan reading?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 6
5 |
Replace the sensor in the affected circuit, if a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) was stored for this circuit.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
6 |
Does an intermittent Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) or DTC occur?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 8
7 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
8 |
Is DTC P0122 stored in memory?
Go to Step 10
Go to Step 9
9 |
Replace the ECM.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
10 |
Does the vehicle stall while driving?
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 12
11 |
Monitor the oxygen sensor and the injector base pulse width with the scan tool.
Does the scan tool display a steady low voltage (about 0 mV) for the oxygen sensor with the control module commanding an injector base pulse width of the value specified?
8 ms
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 12
12 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Do the ECT and the IAT readings differ from the ambient temperature by more than the value specified?
5°F (3°C)
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 4
3 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Does the voltage measure within the value specified?
0.4-0.8 v
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 26
5 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Go to Step 6
6 |
Check the fuel pump operation.
Does the fuel pump operate for the specified time when the ignition switch is turned ON?
2 sec
Go to Step 7
7 |
Check the fuel system pressure.
Is the fuel pressure within the specifications?
410 kPa
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 27
8 |
Check for water contamination in the fuel.
Is fuel contaminated?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 10
9 |
Replace the contaminated fuel.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
10 |
Does the test light blink at all connectors?
Go to Step 13
Go to Step 11
11 |
Check the fuel injector driver wiring harness, the connectors, and the connector terminals for the proper connections.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 12
Go to Step 28
12 |
Repair the wiring harness, the connector, or the connector terminal as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
- |
13 |
Measure the resistance of each fuel injector.
Is the fuel injector resistance within the value specified (68°F [20°C] - the resistance will increase slightly at higher temperatures)?
11.6-12.4 Ω
Go to Step 15
Go to Step 14
14 |
Replace any fuel injector with a resistance that is out of specifications.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
15 |
Perform an injector diagnosis.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 16
Go to Step 17
16 |
Replace any restricted or leaking fuel injectors as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
17 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 18
Go to Step 19
18 |
Correct or replace any faulty ignition components.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
19 |
Does the engine misfire or cut out under load or at idle?
- |
Go to "Ignition System Check"
Go to Step 20
20 |
Does the engine start, but then immediately stall?
Go to Step 21
Go to Step 23
21 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 22
Go to Step 25
22 |
Repair the faulty connections as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
23 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 24
Go to Step 25
24 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
25 |
Check the idle control operation. Repair or replace components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
26 |
Check the throttle position sensor circuit for proper operation. Repair or replace components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
27 |
Repair the fuel system as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
28 |
Replace the ECM.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Connect the scan tool to the Data Link Connector (DLC).
Does the oxygen sensor (O2S) respond quickly to different throttle positions?
Go to Step 4
Go to Step 3
3 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading within the value specified?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 5
5 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading below the value specified?
Go to Step 6
6 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading above the value specified?
7 |
Check the fuel system pressure while the condition exists.
Is the fuel system pressure within specifications?
410 kPa
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 17
8 |
Check the in-line fuel filter.
Is the filter dirty or plugged?
Go to Step 18
Go to Step 9
9 |
Perform an injector diagnosis.
Did the injector diagnosis pinpoint the problem?
Go to Step 19
Go to Step 10
10 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 12
11 |
Repair or replace any ignition system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
12 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 13
Go to Step 14
13 |
Repair the electrical connections or the vacuum lines as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
14 |
Check the generator output voltage.
Is the generator voltage within the value specified?
12-16 v
Go to Step 16
Go to Step 15
15 |
Repair the generator.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
16 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
17 |
Repair the fuel system as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
18 |
Replace the fuel filter.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
19 |
Replace the leaking or restricted fuel injectors.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Does the problem exist?
Go to Step 3
System OK
3 |
Does the transaxle operate properly?
Go to Step 4
Go to Step 5
4 |
Check the fuel system pressure.
Is the fuel system pressure within specifications?
410 kPa
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 6
5 |
Repair the transaxle as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
6 |
Repair the fuel system as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
7 |
Check for a restricted fuel filter or contaminated fuel.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 9
8 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
9 |
Is the ignition system operating properly?
Go to Step 10
Go to Step 11
10 |
Does the vacuum decrease more than the value specified?
10 kPa (3 in. Hg)
Go to Step 12
Go to Step 15
11 |
Repair or replace any ignition system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
12 |
Inspect the exhaust system for restrictions and damaged or collapsed pipes.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 13
Go to Step 14
13 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
14 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 15
Go to Step 16
15 |
Repair or replace any engine components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
16 |
Are all checks and repairs complete?
12-16 v
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Does the detonation problem still exist?
87-89 octane
Go to Step 3
System OK
3 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 4
Go to Step 5
4 |
Repair or replace any cooling system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
5 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 6
Go to Step 7
6 |
Replace the ECT sensor or repair the circuit as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
7 |
Is the ignition system operating properly?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 8
8 |
Repair or replace the ignition system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
9 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading above the value specified?
Go to Step 10
10 |
Check the fuel system pressure.
Is the problem found?
410 kPa
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 12
11 |
Repair or replace the fuel system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
12 |
Is the procedure complete?
Go to Step 13
13 |
Are all checks and repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Is the problem found?
410 kPa
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 4
3 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 6
5 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
6 |
Does the test light blink on all connectors?
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 7
7 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
8 |
Measure the resistance of each fuel injector.
Is the fuel injector resistance within the value specified (the resistance will increase slightly at higher temperatures)?
11.6-12.4 Ω
Go to Step 10
Go to Step 9
9 |
Replace any of the fuel injectors with a resistance that is out of specifications.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
10 |
Perform an injector diagnosis.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 12
11 |
Replace any restricted or leaking fuel injectors.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
12 |
Check the fuel system pressure after a cold start or during moderate or full throttle acceleration.
Is the fuel pressure within specifications?
410 kPa
Go to Step 14
Go to Step 13
13 |
Repair the restriction in the fuel system or replace the faulty fuel pump.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
14 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 15
Go to Step 16
15 |
Repair or replace any ignition components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
16 |
Are all checks and needed repairs complete?
12-16 v
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Check the ignition system voltage output for all of the cylinders using a spark tester.
Is spark present on all of the cylinders?
Go to Step 3
Go to "Ignition System Check"
3 |
Inspect the spark plugs for excessive wear, insulation cracks, improper gap, or heavy deposits.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 4
Go to Step 5
4 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
5 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 6
Go to Step 7
6 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
7 |
Is the problem found?
410 kPa
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 9
8 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
9 |
Does the test light blink for all of the fuel injectors?
Go to Step 11
Go to Step 10
10 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
11 |
Measure the resistance of each fuel injector.
Is the injector resistance within the value specified (the resistance will increase slightly at higher temperatures)?
11.6-12.4 Ω
Go to Step 13
Go to Step 12
12 |
Replace any fuel injectors with a resistance that is out of specifications.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
13 |
Perform an injector diagnosis.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 14
Go to Step 15
14 |
Replace any restricted or leaking fuel injectors.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
15 |
Does the scan tool rpm change greatly with little change in actual engine rpm?
Go to Step 16
16 |
Are all checks and needed repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Are all needed checks complete?
Go to Step 3
3 |
Are all needed checks and repairs complete?
Go to Step 4
4 |
Are all needed checks and repairs complete?
Go to Step 5
5 |
Are all checks and needed repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Does the O2S change quickly from rich to lean at the different throttle positions?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 3
3 |
Check the O2S for contamination from fuel or improper use of RTV sealant.
Is the O2S contaminated?
Go to Step 4
Go to Step 5
4 |
Replace the contaminated O2S as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
5 |
Is the TP sensor voltage within the value specified?
0.4-0.8 v
Go to Step 6
6 |
Does the ECT sensor temperature reading differ from the ambient temperature by more than the value specified?
5°F (3°C)
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 9
7 |
Check for high resistance in the ECT sensor circuit or the sensor itself.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 8
Go to Step 9
8 |
Replace the ECT sensor or repair the circuit as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
9 |
Check the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor for response and accuracy.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 10
Go to Step 11
10 |
Replace the MAP sensor or repair the MAP sensor circuit as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
11 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading within the value specified?
Go to Step 14
Go to Step 12
12 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading below the value specified?
Go to Step 13
13 |
Is the long term fuel trim reading above the value specified?
14 |
Does the test light blink for all of the fuel injectors?
Go to Step 16
Go to Step 15
15 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
16 |
Measure the resistance of each of the fuel injectors.
Is the resistance within the value specified (the resis-tance will increase slightly at higher temperatures)?
11.6-12.4 Ω
Go to Step 18
Go to Step 17
17 |
Replace any fuel injectors with a resistance that is out of specifications.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
18 |
Perform an injector diagnosis.
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 19
Go to Step 20
19 |
Replace any leaking or restricted fuel injectors.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
20 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 21
Go to Step 22
21 |
Replace the fuel pressure regulator as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
22 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 23
Go to Step 24
23 |
Repair or replace any ignition system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
24 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 25
Go to Step 26
25 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
26 |
Is the problem found?
12-16 v
Go to Step 27
Go to Step 28
27 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
28 |
Are all of the checks and needed repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Did the vehicle pass the emission test?
System OK
Go to Step 3
3 |
Is the long term fuel trim memory within the value specified?
Go to Step 6
Go to Step 4
4 |
Is the long term fuel trim memory below the value specified?
Go to Step 5
5 |
Is the long term fuel trim memory above the value specified?
6 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 8
7 |
Did the vehicle pass the emission test?
System OK
8 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 9
Go to Step 10
9 |
Did the vehicle pass the emission test?
System OK
10 |
Are all checks and needed repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Does the engine run smoothly after the ignition switch is turned OFF?
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 4
3 |
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Are all checks and repairs complete?
System OK
Step | Action | Value(s) | Yes | No |
1 |
Were the Important Preliminary Checks performed?
Go to Step 2
2 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 3
Go to Step 4
3 |
Repair or replace any ignition system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
4 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 5
Go to Step 6
5 |
Repair or replace any fuel system components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
6 |
Is the problem found?
Go to Step 7
Go to Step 8
7 |
Repair or replace any components as needed.
Is the repair complete?
System OK
8 |
Are all checks and corrections complete?
System OK
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